Lol this is Urban Toronto, might as well say that in every thread here. I for one am thrilled the pimps, violence and drugs at the Marigold will finally be pushed out. A major step in fixing Kennedy and Queen, a problematic area of the city.
*shrug* Ok, after this let's also bulldoze Knightsbridge and Lisa St. Get the rest of the filthy poors out of the city. Building affordable housing is for hippies and communists. We can all just live in one of the innumerable illegal basement apartments in Brampton.

Pax divitum!
*shrug* Ok, after this let's also bulldoze Knightsbridge and Lisa St. Get the rest of the filthy poors out of the city. Building affordable housing is for hippies and communists. We can all just live in one of the innumerable illegal basement apartments in Brampton.

Pax divitum!

The Region of Peel is renovating the old Comfort Inn on Rutherford for long-term social housing. The problem I have with the Marigold is that it's an eyesore and has been for decades. You should read the Google reviews where unsuspecting guests booked a room at that dump.
There will be a Virtual Public Meeting September 26'th for the Public
Report to Planning and Development Committee:

Staff have two concerns:

- The proposed building heights in proximity to the existing single detached dwellings that are adjacent to the property.
- The development potential for the surrounding lands.

I suspect they refer to the KFC on the corner of Kennedy and Queen, which becomes quite a small lot for development, unless it is part of a larger land assembly north along Kennedy, including the Sonny's burger joint. It might also limit what can be done with the bungalows along Charles Street to the north (which would be most affected by the proposal), but that might be an ideal site for stacked townhouses in the future.
This development is a big step to accelerate change in the area. The 10 year old rhythm condo across from it looks so small now.

Queen BRT line is planned to go through here and I would expect a Kennedy Zum line this decade.

I would love to see a seperately divided forum for Brampton projects, it's starting to pick up here.
The brown transit girl has been lobbying intensively for the Kennedy Züm line to be built urgently. According to Brampton Transit for the Kennedy Züm line they are waiting on the Transportation Master Plan to be complete, which was started 15 months ago, is expected done in a year, and there is almost no public facing evidence that it even exists.
