Still too tall. And I hope that the "park" is really a European-style plaza with restaurant patios opening onto it. No point in having a shaded plot of half dead grass surrounded by 30 storey buildings.
Agree. Looks like they're not going to let this section of downtown densify like the rest. I hope they take those Moss Park public housing blocks down and turn it into the park otherwise this height reduction will be a little pointless.
Nice, just don't like how they are cramming all these shorter stubby buildings in the east end, there a reason why they don't like elegant tall buildings in that neck of the woods, politics maybe?

lol.... you must hate Paris and Barcelona, crammed with all those short stubby buildings.
I don't care for the updated massing. It's still too tall and still takes on the form of towers on podiums instead of perimeter blocks.
Nice, just don't like how they are cramming all these shorter stubby buildings in the east end, there a reason why they don't like elegant tall buildings in that neck of the woods, politics maybe?

I wouldn't want everything to look the same anyways. It would be boring. See Vancouver and they have the whole sea to sky arrangement working for them. Imagine Manhattan if it was entirely encompassed by Midtown. You can also achieve great densities without having to go above and beyond too.
To be honest, I liked the old proposal way better. The towers were probably too tall, in fairness, but I liked the ground-level treatment a lot. The materiality was great (i.e. not just glass), and it contributed to Queen Street's streetwall nicely. And that covered mew was pretty cool too.

I don't think the little park in the new proposal will work at all. I think it'll sterilize the site, and be too dark and boxed-in to see proper use. It reminds of that stupid parkette in front of Ivory on Adelaide.
Community Consultation Meeting notices have been sent out.
DATE: Monday April 30, 2018
TIME: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
PLACE: 150 Sherbourne - John Innes Community Centre
I was wondering when is the height variance is going to be changed from 56 storeys 201 metres to ??? On this blog ?
I disagree with this park. There is going to be a lot of loitering from the wrong crowds. There is a perfectly under utilized park across the street ( moss park). We should encourage the community to utilize it. A dog park added to moss park is a start.
I disagree with this park. There is going to be a lot of loitering from the wrong crowds. There is a perfectly under utilized park across the street ( moss park). We should encourage the community to utilize it. A dog park added to moss park is a start.

Which are the wrong people to use a park? Is it wealthy white collar professionals OR unemployed marginalized people? And it's only loitering if one of these groups use the park? Interesting.
