The PoMo frilly top has no relation to the original building, which avoids anything "frilly" and instead presents a very refined but hard modular composition (is 'handsome' the right word?). The rest of the tower will no doubt be a grey spandrel horror show. Let us hope for a redesign.
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Only 5 elevators serving 54 floors! wow..
This just continues the trend of stupidity with the ratio of the # of elevators serving the # of people living in a building. I've said this for a while, but the province really needs to step in and mandate a minimum number of elevators per people living in a building. Especially when we consider, that half of the elevators going into the new developments are junk and go out of service just weeks after initial service.

As for this proposal, it's just silly. Why dont they just plop on the addition on that glass office tower next door instead. It's like developers are hunting for these historical buildings so they can just plop on some kind of random mass on top of it and call it a day, since they know they can get away with it without any problems whatsoever.
The PoMo frilly top has not relation to the original building, which avoids anything "frilly" and instead presents a very refined but hard modular composition (is 'handsome' the right word?). The rest of the tower will no doubt be a grey spandrel horror show. Let us hope for a redesign.

As long as we're mired in hope, could we not hope for the whole proposal to be withdrawn altogether and leave the building alone (or giving it a loving restoration/refresh w/no add-ons) ?
More renders:


Well, now that we know what it looks like, you can check out our front page story, while a database file is now attached at the top of this page.


@DonValleyRainbow: 176.03 m high.
Really disappointing. In an attempt to 'respect' the heritage building, the developer creates a clunky and lifeless tower that does a disservice to the entire era. I hope the city tells them to go back to the drawing board.
If I read the front page story correctly, the original building is going to be wholly retained, and two additional levels of underground parking excavated below. The engineering involved in this project will be incredible.
If I read the front page story correctly, the original building is going to be wholly retained, and two additional levels of underground parking excavated below. The engineering involved in this project will be incredible.
somewhat similar to 488 University, except this one will have the additional bracing within the existing building, while 488 had cross bracing added on the outside.
I'm sorry but this is not progress. I'm all for creative uses in adding density but not here. Not this. Just no.
Good heavens, this is an awful proposal. This building needs to be left untouched.
It's pretty astonishing how drab buildings like the Union Station Bush Shed can get left untouched since it's somehow historic due to the fact of being the only surviving "bush shed" in North America, while beautiful pieces of architecture like this can be touched as dismantled by whomever pleases. And sadly this is not the only example with this kind of non-sense going on. The way we have the word "historic" defined in Toronto is backwards, plain and simple.
