Some fencing up.

The preliminary summary dated Jan 12, 2024 still has this as 24-storeys, and no sign of this at the CoA... Nonetheless the database has been updated in accordance with the stats in the recommendation report, changes below:
  • Storey count increased from 24 to 26
  • Height increased from 79.75 to 90.43m
  • Total vehicular parking reduced from 80 to 78
  • Minor GFA increase and unit mix changes
Renderings in the database reflect the previous 24-storey design.
Any time I see Studio JCI as the architects I follow the thread. They consistently manage to achieve really good results despite often having to answer to less than stellar developers (like this one ;-). Don't know how they do it.

Hope their winning track record with 26 Hounslow continues... nice, simple not fussy... and classy.

Even their 1 Jarvis project in Hamilton working for sometimes iffy developer Emblem* (*whose massive The Design District 41 by IBI in The Hammer is sorely spandrel-infested)... turned out really well.

1 Jarvis


*Studio JCI is also the architects for Emblem's Arte Residences u/c in Missie... look forward to seeing how that goes.

Cue ProjectEnd editorial ;-)
This one was approved at City Council today! A few questionable tweaks to the final approval post-NYCC, but overall a win. Curious to see how this one plays out…
This one was approved at City Council today! A few questionable tweaks to the final approval post-NYCC, but overall a win. Curious to see how this one plays out…

The motion that passed, amending the approval:

