Today. Great to see some colours





Great perspective! Pretty amazing to think that around 10-15 years ago much of that whole area in view was still barren underused land.
Out of curiosity, I walked home (downtown) on Eastern a few weeks ago after having drinks with friends in Leslieville. Through South Riverdale, Eastern is pretty desolate, but at least there’s sidewalks on both sides. Just before the DVP (walking west) the sidewalk disappears and you’re forced to walk on the strip of grass next to the road (interestingly Eastern briefly becomes Adelaide here) and in some cases on the shoulder itself. It’s definitely more like a highway than a city street.
Out of curiosity, I walked home (downtown) on Eastern a few weeks ago after having drinks with friends in Leslieville. Through South Riverdale, Eastern is pretty desolate, but at least there’s sidewalks on both sides. Just before the DVP (walking west) the sidewalk disappears and you’re forced to walk on the strip of grass next to the road (interestingly Eastern briefly becomes Adelaide here) and in some cases on the shoulder itself. It’s definitely more like a highway than a city street.

Yikes, that's a dangerous place to walk, friend.

I live right above Eastern and we regularly see pedestrians who have wandered off course and become trapped on the median, or cyclists using the Adelaide or Richmond ramps.

There is a sidewalk along the south side of Eastern between Broadview and River that leads to a ramp down to River Street. Otherwise, cyclists and pedestrians really shouldn't be on that highway. We need a pedestrian bridge leading from Eastern Avenue across the Don to Corktown Common. I think that was part of the East Harbour plan, but may have been cut.

For now, take King and Queen. Stay safe!
Yikes, that's a dangerous place to walk, friend.

I live right above Eastern and we regularly see pedestrians who have wandered off course and become trapped on the median, or cyclists using the Adelaide or Richmond ramps.

There is a sidewalk along the south side of Eastern between Broadview and River that leads to a ramp down to River Street. Otherwise, cyclists and pedestrians really shouldn't be on that highway. We need a pedestrian bridge leading from Eastern Avenue across the Don to Corktown Common. I think that was part of the East Harbour plan, but may have been cut.

For now, take King and Queen. Stay safe!
Thanks. Never again! But that's my point, it's a highway, not a street.
