The LPAT has dismissed the appeal for this OPA and rezoning application. Decision here and media article here. The revised rendering shows a very different image that the one here:

n/v mind - here's the render

One day a project will manage to break through at this troubled location (Queen and Sherbourne) and then the floodgates will open.
This is also pretty close to Queen & Parliament, which is set to undergo a large redevelopment at its SE corner where the Shoppers is located along with majority of that block.
LPAT just approved this development but did not agree with the developer's plan to direct the s37 $$$ (just over $1 million) to restoration of the Berkeley Church - which was really quite cheeky of them to try to do! LPAT Case PL161267 )
Like the one in the main project database at the top of the page?
If that’s what is being thought of as a “nice towerl (the one at the top of page ) then city is doomed to be ugly. That colour scheme is awful and looks like something from the 70s designed by a child. The other small previous design fit better here. Unless it was and that child is now an adult? With to much money
Another baby step here. The laneway behind these properties is having the easements officially changed. The properties currently split the physical ownership of that laneway with the apartment building at 132 Berkeley Street.
I'm not sure what they are doing, but it is probably to sort out the future access issues. I note that the Land Tribunal decision indicates there was a settlement with the owners of 132 Berkeley which requires any underground parking for the new development will face Queen Street, or a new side laneway they build, but not require access through the existing laneway.

The application # is 22 133357 STE 13 CO

The docs say this will be a 19 story tower.

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An interesting foible about this site and the adjoining laneway is the ownership. This piece at the back, where pavement colour changes and the cars are parked, isn't actually part of the public lane and isn't part of this assembly. It was owned by a gentleman in the 19th century who had no children and thus no one to pass it down to. It would seem that the ownership / easement issues that @Jonny5 describes above are at least in part to deal with this.

An interesting foible about this site and the adjoining laneway is the ownership. This piece at the back, where pavement colour changes and the cars are parked, isn't actually part of the public lane and isn't part of this assembly. It was owned by a gentleman in the 19th century who had no children and thus no one to pass it down to. It would seem that the ownership / easement issues that @Jonny5 describes above are at least in part to deal with this.

View attachment 401307

I'm always fascinated by the fact that we have situations that emerge like this where there doesn't seem to be a proper mechanism for addressing un-willed property.

Certainly, today, we have the public trustee who is supposed to address such things.......

At any rate, to share an oddity with which I'm familiar, one of the developments going up on Kingston Rd near Main encountered an issue in which there was a sliver of land between the SFH below and the property they acquired (so mid-slope) that had no known owner; a great deal of effort was expended trying to figure out how to address issues that would affect that land.

It left me bemused to think that the owners of the parcels above and below and likely previous owners as well had never seen to fit to figure out who owned this mystery parcel, nor had the City in many decades or longer.
Not sure what is going on right now, but significant work has been happening at the Berkeley Field House property all week. A work crew comes of about eight comes in each morning with multiple portable generators and some heavy machinery components which they setup and then take in to the property to an area I cannot see as it's obscured by some fences trees, but when they leave at night they bring out the components and disassemble what looks like pieces of a ground-boring drill of some kind.
