On the left

So - there will be 5 restaurant spaces cut down to 2 in the new development.

Gabby's, Dhaba (above Gabby's), District Eatery and the 2 restaurants that closed back in 2016 - Le Saint Tropez and Zazou
There is so much wrong with this, I honestly dont know where to begin. The massing, the podium, the historical integration to street level are all just poorly thought out. Why even bother retaining the facades when a hulking mass is just going to be plopped on top.

But I digress i'm wasting my breath, this thing will be built with little revisions made.
It's Scott Sheilds, they have never built something this large I don't think. It'll probably get pawned off to another developer and architect before getting built.
We can only pray. This is really horrible in its present form (see Amare's post above. I too do not know where to start). I would love to see something with a little more elegance and respect.
You'd think that, with all the money circulating in and around King West, there would be a market for condos with more innovative architecture and/or cladding (Mirvish-Gehry is the exception). Something like 1 Yorkville.

Nobu is going to be a breath of fresh air for the Entertainment District.
revised plans were posted december 27
I submit that they were submitted on Dec 27, but just posted now. I did check when putting together the Growth To Watch For article…

Plans for a hotel here have been dropped. Three floors of offices are proposed.

So, we got us a database file now. Includes pics of the current plan and of the previous plan. Linked at the top of the page.

The tower on the right is the "321-333 King Street West" project, that I thought was further advanced, with original OMB approval back in 2013 (which included the OMB all but ordering the city and TTC to upgrade the transit service on King). This is the property where Fred Luk's restaurants are.

But I can't find the thread? Or it lost somewhere, with a forgotten project name?

I'm surprised it's not gone to construction yet. But perhaps I missed something.
