Right, we can nit-pick how accurate the income stats are.............

But...irrespective of that, they are too low.

We can't only address housing, we must address income; they both require intervention.
Sure, but THIS is a Housing discussion board... and we are Housing volunteers - lots of other groups dealing with UBI, etc in other forums... we don't wander much beyond "Rent-Subsidy programs" on the INCOME side of the discourse...

Sure, but THIS is a Housing discussion board... and we are Housing volunteers - lots of other groups dealing with UBI, etc in other forums... we don't wander much beyond "Rent-Subsidy programs" on the INCOME side of the discourse...

No, this is not a Housing Discussion Board.

It is a development discussion board, which also covers politics, entertainment and other interests to members.

Housing affordability is a subject related to development, but which is a function both of the cost of housing and the income of those who find it unaffordable.

I'm not suggesting You or those who volunteer w/your group need to be hyper-focused on income.

You play a useful role advocating on housing and we all have finite spans of time and interest.

But it remains a critical part of the discussion.

If one raised the lower income tiers in the direction of a living wage, the housing crisis would diminish greatly. It wouldn't go away entirely as there are people who for any number of reasons don't work
or don't work full-time and will not foreseeably be able to afford market-rent/ownership.

For those people, subsidized housing in one form or another is crucial, (rent supplements can also form part of the discussion), and there is clearly a very tangible need for lots more of that.

But when you get above that threshold, for those who are working full-time, income is a very real player in the crisis we face and it's one that needs to be addressed with as much vigour as housing.

That said, this is a thread about this particular site; and perhaps we ought to return to that as the focus of discussion in this thread, at this juncture.
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New rendering was taken from the architectural plan via rezoning submission. The total height changed from 42.10m to 42.08m. The total unit count changed from 191 units to 194 units. Finally, the total parking space was reduced from 100 parking to 96 parking.

PLN - Architectural Plans - 1of3 - FEB 21  2023-1.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - 1of3 - FEB 21  2023-170.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - 1of3 - FEB 21  2023-171.jpg
STAFF REPORT advises Approval at TEYCC this week...

TE9.15 - 306-310 Gerrard Street East - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval​

