This can't get site plan approval without the floodproofing that is planned for the Portlands, right? Not even the OMB would let that fly.
This can't get site plan approval without the floodproofing that is planned for the Portlands, right? Not even the OMB would let that fly.
Yes, it seems unlikely but OMB does strange things. I think it is simply a place-holder to get the City and WT moving on the Portlands.
If they could manage to get that one built, it would be quite the precedent; I'd expect to see many more of its kind strung along Cherry in fairly short order. I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
Boring was my reaction too.

So was zoning excercize. I can't help but wonder who would buy here. There is nothing around, it is dirty, and you'll be car dependent.
So was zoning excercize. I can't help but wonder who would buy here. There is nothing around, it is dirty, and you'll be car dependent.

Not much today but certainly coming soon. East Harbour isn't that far.
I'm speculating here, but I would imagine it's theoretically possible to receive SPA that is conditional upon the completion of the floodproofing. Does feel more like a zoning exercise, though.
Boring was my reaction too.

So was zoning excercize. I can't help but wonder who would buy here. There is nothing around, it is dirty, and you'll be car dependent.

It's not too bad, even if there weren't plans for area revitalization. There's a bus stop right at the front door, it's a quick 600m walk to the 514, a grocery store down the street, and there's water all around. Maybe one could keep a canoe in their parking spot for weekend recreation.
Architectural critique aside, urbanity will have to start somewhere. There's currently not much around, but the Lower Don Lands/Portlands are an area of future potential and gradual growth. I had a similar reaction to when T&T first opened up their store here. But they've actually become consistently steady in terms of clientele and business. Given the opportunity, I would not rule out buying property here.
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The proposed built form is quite different from what is envisioned in the preliminary concept for the Villiers Island Precinct Plan:




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For information, the site is in the middle-top, as a mass of 8/8-10/20-22s. Crudely of course, but very much along the lines of West Don Lands.

