For the record - "the mindless copy-paste Toronto podium-tower typology" = the City of Toronto planning department's mandated Tall-Building Urban Design Guidelines (2013)...

Oh I'm all too familiar. I contend with them on a regular basis in my design work.
They've also trained and conditioned developers to now mindlessly follow them and tune their pro-formas to huge podiums that fill the lot and result in deep floorplates that create shitty, dark units.

That said, the market is changing and the density grab isn't really the game it used to be. Many developers are now having their architects revise already-designed projects to remove podiums or break them down into smaller floor areas that can be more gently phased. The reason is unfortunate (sky-high construction costs) but the outcome is a silver lining.
Heads-Up that there is a City Council item about 309 CHERRY STREET (*Private lands on Villiers Island) at this week’s meeting on WED -

CC19.9 - 309 Cherry Street - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

“On April 23, 2024, the applicant circulated further updated development plans to the Tribunal and other parties consisting of three residential towers of 27, 49 and 39 storeys, on podiums of various configurations ranging from 3 to 10 storeys.

They also advised of their intention to provide 5 percent of the proposed residential units as affordable housing for a period of 25 YEARS
There's an attachment to this item that has a full package of plans from SvN -

Public Attachment 1 - April 2024 plans and email correspondence to the Ontario Land Tribunal






They are only doing parking under one building - and have proposed a "Pedestrian Tunnel" under Centre Street so that residents can get from the parking lot to their building without going outside.
