I still wish the LCBO was part of the land assembly.

Staff are recommending approval of the zoning bylaw amendment:

Hmmm, maybe someone from Brampton Planning or the developer reads my UT comments, LOL:

Podium/streetwall is grossly excesssive and completely out of proportion to everything around it.

Looking at the Preliminary Report, I see staff share this concern:

View attachment 376078

The de facto 11-storey street wall needs to drop to 4; on the George/Nelson Tower

From 4 to 3 on Elizabeth.

A more generous setback of the tower is required next to the heritage home.

Appropriate heritage landscaping must be planned to showcase the property.

Towers are ok, but unremarkmable.

Staff also have concern with ground-floor animation:

View attachment 376079

Given the surrounding heritage character, it would be nice to see the use of brick explored for the podium material; preferably not veneer panels either.


Podium scale next to heritage addressed -check

Heritage style landscape around home - check.

While some effort has been made to add a bit of warmth to the podium, they did not elect to use brick, which I find unfortunate.
Staff are recommending approval of the zoning bylaw amendment:

The annoying thing about these links on the "escribemeeetings.com" system is that when the agenda changes the links change. So you have to go back and get the updated link using the "revised agenda". This is different than the City of Toronto's TMMIS system where the links don't change.

Here's the new link to the staff report: https://pub-brampton.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=64980 via the revised agenda.
Interesting Twitter thread that blames the LCBO for delays to this project because they’re appealing it. There’s a LCBO store at 27 George Street, but it’s a small, dank store with over a dozen surface parking spaces.

It’s probably because the Greenwin development limits what can later be built on the LCBO lands (even if it were joined with the restaurant site to South) but it’s not as if the LCBO has much of a record of intensification of its properties, Queen’s Quay excepted.

I wouldn't shed a tear if that sketchy LCBO burned down over night. Possibly the worst looking one in Peel Region.

I wish this development included their space so we could be rid of that eyesore.
