Site Plan Approval application submitted:

Development Applications

Project description:
The proposed development consists of a 13-storey mixed-use building comprised of residential and commercial uses at grade, and residential uses above. The building would provide a total of 319 residential units and a total gross floor area of 41,339 square metres, of which 40,896 square metres would be for residential use, and 443 square metres for non-residential uses along Bloor Street. The subject site includes lands both to the south of the TTC railway tracks (to include the proposed building), as well as lands to the north which would remain undeveloped.
Request for Direction Report to the June 22nd meeting of EYCC as City staff recommend opposing this at OLT (the former LPAT)

Some of the arguments are a bit odd.........

Planning Act

Planning Staff have reviewed the application having regard for the relevant matters of provincial interest set out under Section 2 of the Planning Act. The application does not have sufficient regard to Section 2(j), which speaks to the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing,


In staff's opinion, the proposal in its current form is not consistent with the PPS's long-term economic prosperity policies.


This is a barrier to approval? Seriously???

Proposed Naturalized Area Land Use designationThe proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning by-laws in their current form do not redesignate and rezone the lands proposed to be naturalized below the proposed top of bank including the 10 meter buffer. The Official Plan Amendment would need to be revised to include these naturalized lands within the Natural Areas designation of the Official Plan and Etobicoke Centre Secondary Plan. The Etobicoke Centre Zoning By-law would also need to rezone the naturalized area to Open Space (OS)


It goes, Staff through the book at this one........and maybe the book's sequel too.
what staff are pushing non-compliance with the planning act because projects don't include affordable housing now? What!!!???

Staff haven't even finished their IZ policies yet. What sort of crazy expectation is that?
Is that allowed just because this site is in an MTSA where IZ is now applicable?

So basically, they are effectively trying to pre-empt developers pre-empting the IZ requirements?
This is a barrier to approval? Seriously???

Proposed Naturalized Area Land Use designationThe proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning by-laws in their current form do not redesignate and rezone the lands proposed to be naturalized below the proposed top of bank including the 10 meter buffer. The Official Plan Amendment would need to be revised to include these naturalized lands within the Natural Areas designation of the Official Plan and Etobicoke Centre Secondary Plan. The Etobicoke Centre Zoning By-law would also need to rezone the naturalized area to Open Space (OS)
Wait, the lands that they are obliged to convey to TRCA anyway, they want the developer to rezone first?

First, why? Second, that is a reason to oppose the project?
Just to record where this can be found on the OLT's website (because for some reason the address is blank in the search field…): this is case PL210313. A hearing day has been set for May 3, 2022. Besides the City and the developer, one NIMBY group — the Thompson Orchard Community Association Inc. — has been listed as a party, while another NIMBY group — Sunnylea Kingsway Community Association — and two individual NIMBY residents several doors away on a nearby street are listed as participants.

This went to yesterday's Council Meeting.

What was approved still isn't clear due to confidentiality.

But we do have what the settlement offer was:



Above is from:


Below is the massing model of the settlement offer above:



Known disposition:

Not as elegant a massing as the original, but it could have been a worse outcome. I'll look forward to more detailed plans and renderings, and hope it's kept the handsome extruded frame look at least on the lower levels of the original proposal!

New updates in the project database and also new renderings have been added to the database. The overall building height changed from 48.60m to 58.00m. The total unit count changed from 319 units to 362 units. The overall storey count changed from 13 to 16 storeys and total parking spaces changed from 446 to 449.
The new rendering is updated in the database. The overall building height changed from 58.00m to 57.5m. The total unit count was reduced from 362 units to 345 units. Finally, the total parking space count was reduced from 449 parking to 421 parking.

Rendering is taken from the architectural plan via Site Plan Approval:

PLN - Architectural Plans - JUL 22  2022-1.jpg
There is an improvement over the previous iteration in breaking up the massing in this surprisingly good effort by Kirkor.
It looks like a medical centre to me now, not residential. I would much rather have had this earlier plan:


