What I think is needed though is a secondary exit to the station out to Manchester Drive. It would mean a more reasonable walk to the southeast and Mimico Village.

...and the Blue Goose. Never forget the Blue Goose.
:confused: Port Credit has a lot of high-rise development within walking distance of the GO station, with more to come. Admittedly some NIMBYs north of the rail line have been vocal, but so far unsuccessful.

Those NIMBYs must live in my old neighbourhood then, Mineola West is just north of Port Credit GO.
This is great for the area. the vicinity of the GO station is pretty gloomy as it stands. Love the integration! :)
From the looks of it, there no plan to allow GO to upgrade the platforms and to allow better access to the yard including the main track #1.

To do this, everything there needs to be move 6m to the north. This will allow for wider and longer platforms. No room for 12 car trains. Very small platform at the east end.

There is no room to put in elevators now.

From the plan, it looks like a new tunnel to the east of the current one.

You can build over the tracks that need to go north and becomes a win win for everyone.

A new station to the east would be better as it will be close to the Lakeshore allowing walk-in from TTC.
March 27

A view of the existing area







Final Planning Report recommended approval of a zoning by-law amendment submitted by Terrasan 327 Royal York Road Limited to permit development of a 20-storey, 190-unit condominium building at 315 and 327 Royal York Road. The project will incorporate a new Mimico GO Station. The report was adopted:

more details from insidetoronto.com......

Condo brings doubled parking, new Mimico GO Station

Councillors approve project to include new Mimico GO Station and historically restored 1915 Mimico Train Station

Condo, doubled parking, new Mimico GO Station. The 1915 frame and stucco Mimico Train Station will get a $650,000 restoration to its historic original state funded by Terrasan. The developer was approved this week to build a 20-storey condominium integrated with Mimico GO Station. The project will also build a new, handicapped-accessible Mimico GO Station and double the GO station’s parking lot.

A future 20-storey condominium integrated with Mimico GO Station will double GO's parking and fund the historical restoration of the neighbouring 1915 Mimico Train Station.
Etobicoke York Community Council this week approved the proposed 20-storey Royal York Road condo with retail stores at-grade and three levels of underground parking.

Mimico GO commuters gain 141 parking spots, certain to alleviate years-long parking congestion on neighbouring residential streets.

Terrasan, the developer, has agreed with the city to spend an estimated $650,000 to restore the historic frame and stucco Mimico Train Station in Coronation Park. The restoration project has been underway for years.

Terrasan's Jeff Usher said the company bid to buy the two land parcels in 2008, after he noticed a rezoning sign for townhouses he felt was "inappropriate" next to the GO station. The provincial policy statement calls for intensification of residential growth on the lands.

Usher said Etobicoke-Lakeshore Councillor Mark Grimes, who represents the area, suggested Terrasan contact GO Transit to partner on the development.

"It will benefit the public and commuters will get a completely new GO station, including handicapped accessibility," said Usher, vice-president of land development with Terrasan, noting GO Transit will own the 190-unit condo building's ground floor retail spaces.

Mimico GO Station's Windsor Street access will be improved from Newcastle Street to the site, Usher said.

Terrasan will use the historic Mimico Train Station for its marketing centre for up to two years, in return for funding its restoration.

The 1915 Mimico Train Station acted mainly as a connection to the City of Toronto's marshalling yards, where locomotives and trains are gathered, Michel Audy, executive secretary of Historic Sites and Monument Board of Canada told The Guardian in 2004. The station closed in 1987.

In 2004, Mimico Station Community Organization, headed by the late Moose in the City's Mark Selkirk, won the city RFP (Request for Proposals) to restore the station.

Grimes said some residents have inquired why the condo development has not gone to the city's Urban Design Review Panel.

City planner Matthew Premru explained the project does not qualify.

"It's not a growth area, it's not in the city centre, it's not a TTC corridor, it's not an avenue, there's no citywide implications and GO Transit is not a city agency," Premru explained.

Grimes said he is pleased with the project.

"What we have here is how planning should work," Grimes said. "Three-and-a-half years ago, there was a plan for townhouses that were 20-feet wide. I wasn't happy with that. The community wasn't happy with that. This is the type of place where you want intensification."

Restoration of the historic train station across the street is a bonus, Grimes said.

"There was a lack of funds to get it restored. I encouraged (Terrasan) to meet with them. They got a great benefit to restore the station back to its original state. It's a win for GO. It's a win for the community. We'll have a great-looking building right where we want to intensify."

Looks very 60s.

Looks like Terrasan is done.

Meridian loans they had securing their businesses and projects have gone in arrears. Seems like the only project which seems is still on is their Llloyd Ave Property.

This project has Gone POS and is for sale now for 7.9 Mil. Any takers?
from Urbanation twitter, is this the same project?

"On the Go Mimico"


Developer is Stanton Renaissance, architect is McCallum Sather
