146m and 104m; SvN:

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Nice design I must admit, but what in Gods name 146m tall?? This thing is literally going to be an elephant in the middle of a haystack.

If the province wants to build this dense around GO stations, then I fully expect them to do the same in places like Burlington and Oakville where NIMBYs cry at anything over 40m tall. Enough with the jamming of dense developments in areas that cant absorb it (yes I realize there's a GO station here, but not everyone is going downtown like what many like to think).
Nice design I must admit, but what in Gods name 146m tall?? This thing is literally going to be an elephant in the middle of a haystack.

If the province wants to build this dense around GO stations, then I fully expect them to do the same in places like Burlington and Oakville where NIMBYs cry at anything over 40m tall. Enough with the jamming of dense developments in areas that cant absorb it (yes I realize there's a GO station here, but not everyone is going downtown like what many like to think).
Grand Park right next door has a bunch of high rises approved.. it may not have anything around it right now, but it won’t be alone.

And don’t kid yourself the same thing is happening at Oakville and Burlington. 3 ~20 storey towers just opened up right beside Burlington GO and more are coming.
Grand Park right next door has a bunch of high rises approved.. it may not have anything around it right now, but it won’t be alone.

And don’t kid yourself the same thing is happening at Oakville and Burlington. 3 ~20 storey towers just opened up right beside Burlington GO and more are coming.
That's my point, why not shoot for the moon at Oakville and Burlington like they are over here. I mean after all by the province's logic, they're right next to higher order transit as well right?

I'm aware of those other proposals on the table though, personally i just dont think this area is suited for this kind of dense development. I'm all for density where warranted and where the infrastructure can support it, but this just isnt the spot for that.
Why can't Mimico support this density, exactly? Other neighbourhoods in the City are receiving much more.

Oakville and Burlington are going to shoulder significant growth too, way more than Mimico is slated to receive.
We're repeating the same mistake with traffic being funneled down narrow strips of road not designed to handle huge loads of traffic (ie: Royal York Rd, Grand Ave), with a local transit route that's already over capacity (the 76 Royal York South), and schools that are overcapacity in the immediate area. There needs to be more additional services provided in the immediate area (ie: more grocers) because if not people will start to strain the infrastructure that already exists. There are 2 grocers relatively close by distance wise but let's not kid ourselves, half of these residents wont be walking to them. Instead they will rely on either the bus or they will drive.

Like i said we cant be assuming that all these residents are going to be solely relying on GO to travel from point A to point B. If we were, than sure all this density would be right. The density load should be handled on a case by case basis around transit corridors (like it was going to be prior to Ford coming in and applying his carte blanche everywhere).
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146m is bananas in this area

Like nearly everything in the area is 2 storeys tall so having this massive tower here is probably not going to fly

As much as I want to see it for the insanity of it lol
146m is bananas in this area

Like nearly everything in the area is 2 storeys tall so having this massive tower here is probably not going to fly

As much as I want to see it for the insanity of it lol
Unfortunately you'll be seeing it very soon dont you worry, there's nothing out there that's going to stop it.

While i like the design, the density here is basically asinine.
We're repeating the same mistake with traffic being funneled down narrow strips of road not designed to handle huge loads of traffic (ie: Royal York Rd, Grand Ave), with a local transit route that's already over capacity (the 76 Royal York South), and schools that are overcapacity in the immediate area. There needs to be more additional services provided in the immediate area (ie: more grocers) because if not people will start to strain the infrastructure that already exists. There are 2 grocers relatively close by distance wise but let's not kid ourselves, half of these residents wont be walking to them. Instead they will rely on either the bus or they will drive.

Like i said we cant be assuming that all these residents are going to be solely relying on GO to travel from point A to point B. If we were, than sure all this density would be right. The density load should be handled on a case by case basis around transit corridors (like it was going to be prior to Ford coming in and applying his carte blanche everywhere).
This is only one of several developments coming to the area. There's a 130 metre-high proposal a couple blocks to the east. (Use the map and click not the nearby pins.)The next development proposal to the east is planned to have a grocery store. The area is going to become very dense over the next decade, not without issues, but some of the density will take care of itself with new services/neighbourhood amenities incorporated into the plans. Whether they get 146 metres here though? If they do, it may be the tallest in the area, but not by a lot.

Well let's hope the other proposals that we start seeing as time goes on are actually well thought out and are sensible. We dont need more excessive density just for densitiy's sake and because a train station is next door.
I had a lot of hope for this development. However I just saw the update for Backyard Condos, if Vandyk can't manage a 6 storey condo how are they going to manage a 27 storey one?
