though i do see the history in these buildings, I feel that they were largely unadaptable to the modern conditions of richmond. they were extremely run down, and probably would have cost upwards of a million dollars to restore them. It is sort of like a lot (though not all) of the low rises on yonge street. you see their history, but they have been painted over and had so many crappy renos to them over the past century that it would likely cost too much to restore them than what it is worth.

another thing is to make sure that every street has a mix of design from different times. there are much more interesting victorian townhomes across the street from these, and they are in MUCH better condition than these ones ever were. richmond is currently devoid of developments from the 21st century, and full of stuff from the pre 1940's. it is ok to loose old victorian towns that aren't that well designed here, especially because there is a much better example of that time period across the street.

I wonder if they will be tearing down the warehouse building beside this now as well? I have a feeling that they tore this down to make way for a sales office.. hopefully they leave the other building intact incase this ever gets cancelled and we are left with just a couple of lost vics, instead of a couple of lost vics and a lost warehouse building.
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Look at Old Mtl for example, or King East. Much of that was adaptable to today's city.

These homes could've been renovated and flipped for a profit. Aren't the condo kids growing out of their shoeboxes demanding larger homes in the area? Would've been perfect. Or wrap them in a glass box & build condos above. In exchange for maintaining the buildings eliminate parking requirements.
It's buildings like these that are the gravity for entire districts. Without these pockets the city becomes sterile and soulless. Look at the little dumpy tear-downs on Portland (near King) that house Jimmy's Coffee and the old garage that now houses Gusto, or La Merceria at Portland and Adelaide. During the day and evening that is the most hopping corner of King West right now. And those dumps make the houses on Richmond look like castles.

(The night scene is a different story altogether - there is no point in discussing an area's merits based on what the drunk 'night life' scene does.)
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Rejected by TEYCC. It will likely be approved by the OMB. I quite like how the slab frames the street. Feels very 'Chungking' (a good thing).

From city planning today, basicly just a repeat of what was refused back in December 20/2012

Ward 20 - Tor & E.York District

To obtain site plan approval for the construction of a 25 storey mixed use condo building containing 310 residential units plus 1 guest suite (22 bachelor, 218 one bedroom, 68 two bedroom, and 2 units with three or more bedrooms). Retail uses will be located on the ground floor. Five levels of below grade parking will be provided with a total of 146 parking spaces of which 129 parking spaces are for residential purposes, 17 parking spaces for visitor and commercial purposes. A total of 388 bicycle parking spaces are proposed with 84 short term spaces and 304 logn term spaces for residents.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Site Plan Approval 14 134958 STE 20 SA Mar 28, 2014 Under Review
