This site, with an 18.04 m frontage is too small for a tower. It is simply not practical to develop a tower with the 12.5 m tower setbacks as identified by the guidelines (also identifies in the OPA 352 implementing By-laws, under appeal). Any tower development on this site, without the concurrence, and binding agreement to secure this concurrence, of adjacent property owners to restrict their own development potential, results in massing that would not fit harmoniously into a built form context of multiple towers.

The development site is not appropriate for tower development as the site is too small. The result is the proposed development cannot achieve appropriate tower setbacks nor step backs. Additionally, the proposed development does not minimize shadowing; the proposed development lacks sufficient outdoor amenity space; the outdoor amenity space that is provided is in an inappropriate form; there is no pet amenity area; there is no on-site parking, the proposed loading does not conform to City standards; additionally, the application does not have a satisfactory Functional Servicing Report to address servicing issues.
From the July 2020 refusal report.
