^It's too bad Larco seems to be unable to use that same mindset for the Dominion building which is one of the most significant historic pieces of architecture we have in the city.
Now that is a great looking building! Love the colour splash (looks similar to Sixty Colborne, which together should look awesome). Love what they've done with the roof of the heritage building too.
^It's too bad Larco seems to be unable to use that same mindset for the Dominion building which is one of the most significant historic pieces of architecture we have in the city.
Yeah, i"m sure that preliminary design over that beautiful building will change many more times before we see the final result...i sure hope so
I don’t like how the recreated heritage cornice/parapet on the King St elevation has been chopped in half in this iteration. Looks weird.
Is it odd that the cornice of the heritage building stops abruptly or is it passable because it stops at a part where the building recesses slightly. I can't really tell.
It almost appears as a sort of cataloguing of the changing streetscape; the cornice as it was originally, as it is now (restored as part of a new streetscape) and as it was in the interim when there was no cornice at all. It's a curious touch that adds some interest.
Anyone got the Photoshop skills to extend the cornice one bay into the new build? If we're going to mess with the cornice, let's see if we can get a better looking result. (I have no doubt we can get a better one.)


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My Agreement in 2 parts:

1) Overall I really like this. It's extremely sympathetic to the heritage building; it brings a refreshing splash of bright colour, and it's a drastic improvement over the current iteration of the site.

2)The incomplete cornice does look bizarre to me and should be rethought.
For comparison, the cornice right now:

Seems like they are planning to rebuild the whole top floor and build a fancier cornice on top of that, but not in the recessed section facing King?
The western half of building face is recessed currently, but the render shows it flush with the rest of the building. I presume the render is incorrect? Or are they actually going to move half of the building facade a foot south?
I don’t like how the recreated heritage cornice/parapet on the King St elevation has been chopped in half in this iteration. Looks weird.
Is it odd that the cornice of the heritage building stops abruptly or is it passable because it stops at a part where the building recesses slightly. I can't really tell.
It almost appears as a sort of cataloguing of the changing streetscape; the cornice as it was originally, as it is now (restored as part of a new streetscape) and as it was in the interim when there was no cornice at all. It's a curious touch that adds some interest.
My Agreement in 2 parts:

1) Overall I really like this. It's extremely sympathetic to the heritage building; it brings a refreshing splash of bright colour, and it's a drastic improvement over the current iteration of the site.

2)The incomplete cornice does look bizarre to me and should be rethought.

46 King East is a different building, constructed 61 years later in 1947. It's unclear whether it ever had the same cornice as the original 1886 corner structure (2 Toronto Street). It would therefore be unfaithful to 'replicate' something that may never have existed in the first place.
