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Wabash_Cam_Ext_01_Trees 3.jpg

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  • Wabash_Cam_Ext_01_Trees 3.jpg
    Wabash_Cam_Ext_01_Trees 3.jpg
    615.2 KB · Views: 2,533
Love the brick and the wood accents on the inset balconies. Going to be living just up the street from here as of next month, so I'm looking forward to seeing it go up.
This is getting a very rough ride at Community Council today from many speakers from the neighbourhood. The locals have organized on this one—to complain, mostly, about the degree of overlook and shadowing that everyone who will have it just beyond their back yards will have to deal with. There could be two dozen people here on this… Five up so far.

Community Council has passed the staff recommendations to approve this development. Councillor Perks pretty much had to school the community on why the City had done everything they could to improve the development, and that Council would not have a leg to stand on at the OMB should they refuse it.

Off to City Council on July 12.

Passed at July City Council.

Funny no one's reporting on this... Anyone else buy here? Last time I was by they were pouring the foundation... that was about a week ago. They are about 18 months behind at this point.
