Here it is with other nearby proposals:

The parkette should be moved to the corner of Queen & Parliament in order to cushion vehicular impact. Both buildings on either side of Parliament have been struck by errant drivers in recent years.
The parkette should be moved to the corner of Queen & Parliament in order to cushion vehicular impact. Both buildings on either side of Parliament have been struck by errant drivers in recent years.
So, better to hit park users?
From the front page article covering the DRP presentation:
One member stated that the architectural expression was "more appropriate for a 15-storey building" and that the "intense patterning on the upper levels was not helping". Another Panelist echoed those comments, claiming that it was "the same cladding as suburban projects...which are brought into the city and all look the same, they are all cut from the same cloth".

Can we please send this panelist a gift basket or a bouquet of flowers or something?
It looks messy and over designed now and the podium plinth feels suburban. This should be a streetwall, not a “podium”.
The podium now looks like a medical centre or small office park building you’d see in the suburbs. Dinky in height (~3 storeys), all glass, architecturally uninteresting and unrelated to the tower, and doesn’t form any sort of streetwall. Dare I say perhaps the previous podium was more appropriate - over scaled but it legibly formed an urban street edge.

I’m sure the planning dept. will like it now though ?. Blechhh.
This looks like an exact copy/paste of the trash that Kirkor has designed for us along the waterfront on Queens Quay East...
Looks like very Kirkor to me.

Can somebody please go tell them that you aren't only allowed sharp corner in construction? And that rounded corners are also allowed?
