406 units for a 74 storey building? Assuming the first few floors are retail, that’s less than 6 units per floor on average. Unlikely to be a super-luxury building given the location.
Likely going to be in the 270 metre range. How likely is it that a height in that range would get cut down?
My entry in Toronto Architecture for 378 Yonge. (Now out of date.)
Is there room for another skyscraper in this corner ? Or are they going to get rid of one of the other skyscraper proposals to fit this one in etc !
Here is a generic, narrow, 250 metre tower on the site. The separation between this one and Chelsea Green II is about 18 metres. Reminds me of the separation problem at 1200 Bay.

Toronto Model 07-31-20 372 Yonge.png
I like the look of the black Toronto Dominion tower in that spot ! Creating some diversity in colour at Yonge and Gerrard street as seen in Koop's photo up above.
Balcony debate aside.... a 250 metre Monde-ish tower would be ok with me here.

Maybe something that evolves from lots 'o them balconies on all sides for the first 100m, fewer and fewer for the next 100m (start to scatter them as we get higher) and then, for final 50m just curtain-wall on 3 sides with terraces on the south side as the stepping back unfolds.

Pass my rotary-dial phone number on to the developer and I'll whip up a preliminary drawing in 10 minutes (same amount of time they spent re-designing the CIBC logo). Or just call that Safdie guy.


From the Monde thread by MichaelMuraz
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Could this development now part of the hotel redevelopment?

When the redevelopment of the hotel surface, I thought then it would be a good idea that the buildings on Yonge be part of it.

The best I can see for these buildings is the retaining of the facade especially the Gerrard corner, part of the Yonge buildings Like FIVE and the other 2 sites north of Bloor. Other than the small section on Walton, the rest can go.

You mild will go after the rest of the buildings on Yonge to Elm and built over Walton. Some of the Yonge St buildings could go, but need to check the site to see what else could go or stay.

No idea what streets/lane will remain with 8 Elm, this development and the hotel development, but could free up more land for development.

A nice reddish or orange colour building than the standard dull run of the mill colours we see today.
From the planning rationale - "The exterior of the tower is formed by exterior columns formed to be fluted vertical lines that rise the height of the building merging at the top with glass curtain wall between. There are no exterior individual unit balconies on the tower"

Unit mix:

32,178 square metres of residential space for approximately 406 residential condominium units (subject to final design layout), comprised of
  • 57% one-bedroom units (unit sizes ranging from 43 to 52 square metres with an average size of 47 square metres),
  • 29% two- bedroom units (unit sizes ranging from 69 to 78 square metres with an average size of 75 square metres),
  • and 14% three-bedroom units (unit sizes ranging from 91 to 100 square metres with an average size of 98 square metres)
I hate to be the cynic, but I am suspicious that this will get value engineered into oblivion. When's the last time a wild, swoopy residential project (with curved class, no less!) actually made it to construction? We've seen this kind of thing before...
