That artwork used to creep me out as a small child.

Agreed it's nauseating, but is it worse than the tiles the TTC used to recover the original, elegant vitrolite? The ones they used to re-clad the Dundas Station are particularly hideous.
Ah, so its Cadillac Fairview responsible for this. I wasnt aware of that. They should really just stick to their bland interior renovations of Sherway and Eaton Centre. They're pretty good at that.
Ah, so its Cadillac Fairview responsible for this. I wasnt aware of that. They should really just stick to their bland interior renovations of Sherway and Eaton Centre. They're pretty good at that.

Also remember their landlordship of the TD Centre--y'know, first mutilating Mies' granite benches with metal skateboard-proof "bumps" with the CF logo on them (tacky tacky tacky); then when said bumps started breaking off, they simply substituted diagonal slices off the benches themselves...
