

  • A45570D2-FD21-4167-B27C-02143447E6F4.jpeg
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The lower glass looks quite good. I think it lightens up the corner.
Though I really do not like to see buildings being 'updated" like this I must agree that it actually looks 'better' - or at least more 2018!
As worthy as I feel the anti-Doug-Ford-meddling-with-democracy protests are, I was hoping the image above was depicting a protest against this recladding project.
As much as I hate reclads I think this may improve the view from here. A little less of the concrete monotony that was forming on the left (and I love concrete so that's saying something..)
The east tower of Munich RE (390-392 Bay) has been under threat of reclad for a several years now so be careful what you wish for...
The east tower of Munich RE (390-392 Bay) has been under threat of reclad for a several years now so be careful what you wish for...
Well there's something I'm worried about now
I'm still holding out judgement for what they'll do when they reach the top- are they still going forward with that ridiculous plan to punch openings into the top floors?
I've been complaining to the City about how loose their recladding rules are. Even though it wouldn't absolutely guarantee that every job was great, they should all have to be approved by Planning, not just the Building department. Planning means discussions with people who have some modicum of design judgment. Building just makes sure there are enough nuts and bolts to hold it together.

Anyway, there are those in Planning looking at this, but I have no idea how near or far away a potential change to the system is.

you would think that this has nothing to so with the building department?
..nothing being built here except a new skin on the structure
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