Senior Member
Yikes. This is already underway, from the looks of those photos. As usual, heritage preservation in this city is in a state of reaction, rather than proaction.
What difference will that make? He doesn't have any authority to stop this.Somebody....write to Christopher Hume! At least he might mention it in his column.
Inquiries are being made at City Hall. This did not go through planning, just the Buildings Department. Unsure what the deal is re: Heritage designation yet.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started
Location: 401 BAY ST
Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Application#: 14 145275 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Apr 22, 2014
Project: Non-Residential Building Other Proposal
Description: Proposal to re-clad existing non-residential mixed use 33 sty building. Simpson's Tower.
I'm also afraid it's a done deal, but let's not move on just yet (you'll find the apostrophe just to the right of the semicolon on your keyboard). We're checking into how the recladding escaped getting certain approvals, and if it did get approved without getting everything it needed, there's a story there, and maybe some hope too.