The No Frills definitely stands out. It's quite unattractive, and run down looking. It also doesn't fit in with the street if you ask me.

yeah... because the asphalt and oil stains of a parking lot for a crappy old homogeneous grocery store are definitive of the idyllic public / open space...
Word is floating around that this project is heading toward the dead file, as the city has being giving the developers a lot of problems from proceeding.

To make the matter worse, there was a Item 01: Draft Port Credit Local Area Plan. File: CD.03.POR before planning and development committee tonight, that I did not attend, calling for reduction of density 100% for the whole area.

The report says that there is 3:1 residents per employment with 45 people per acres. I love to see how they are going to generate more employment since it vacating the area and you only can put in so much retail before over killing it.

It talks about transit and this report doesn't support transit for buses now, let alone the 2 plan LRT lines.

I have no issues with some of the report, but opposed the rest of it.

I can see 4-10 Anne St not proceeding based on this report, as its taller than what being call for, just like the No Frills Lands. At the same time, a few more OMB cases will surface in opposition to this report.

If the developer cannot get the condo height as plan, they are still prepared to tear the store down and build one large single story building, considering they have the legal rights to do so now. That will teach these NIMBY folk.

Also on tonight agenda, was the item 03: Interim Control By-law for Downtown Request for Amendments and One Year Extension to stop building in the city core. These narrow mind councilors are leading the city down the current path of high infrastructure cost with few people to pay for it. They sure don't like density as well tall buildings.

All city departments are to cut 1% yearly from their budget for the next 4 years and look a not replacing personnel that leaves during this time, as well cutting staff. So much for that free 11 tax years.

Word is, the LAC hotel deal is dead also.

Sq One Mall is issuing tickets if your car is parked in the lot more than 3 hours. Certain sections are close off to stop the illegal use by GO Transit riders, people working in the towers as well visitors who refused to pay to park.
Hi Drum118
First time posting but long time follower of UT. Does the Interm Control bylaw for Downtown Request Amendment affect development of residential towers? I remember council getting ticked off when Whole Foods and Crate and Barrel went up as it did not follow the vision of higher density. I thought this amendment was to curtail Omers and others from developing more Big Box retail in the downtown core?
Hi Drum118
First time posting but long time follower of UT. Does the Interm Control bylaw for Downtown Request Amendment affect development of residential towers? I remember council getting ticked off when Whole Foods and Crate and Barrel went up as it did not follow the vision of higher density. I thought this amendment was to curtail Omers and others from developing more Big Box retail in the downtown core?

That my understanding and agree with. Some residential maybe effected, but not much in the pipeline at this time to do so.

I have opposed Omers plans from day one and said so to Omers in chambers when it was before council.

I opposed any on street parking plan for this so call downtown plan.
Just got a notices for a public meeting on this project and not sure if it has been cut down in size.

Mod's Note:
Project is call Waterside Inn Residences 91, 93 & 99 Lakeshore Rd E & 42 Port St E as per notice, but should be West

with meeting on Monday March 26 at Clarke Hall, 161 Lakeshore Rd W starting a 7 pm.
What a real shame for the village of Port Credit. If these plans go ahead, then you might as well, take off the Port Credit name. This is no longer a village. I've lived here for some time now and both my wife and I are appalled at the high rise development just completed at Lakeshore and Hurontario, and with the proposed on Ann St. and for where No Frills now sits.

If you like 24/7 noise, come and join us here. Never used to be, but it is now. Terrible! It'll only get worse. There's no shopping here now, there'll be even less that's meaningful if these new developments are built. But hey......if you need a Dentist, we've got tons. If you need a beauty spa, we've got way too many now. In the last eight months we've had 4 serious stabbings. This was unheard of here a short while ago. This area has been taken over by incomers and festivals, bar rowdies and grid- lock, to the point that the residents here have trouble accessing our facilities here. It's turning into a real nightmare. You can bet this cowboy will be at any and all meetings this month about this.

Try ramming this stuff down the throats of the Lorne Park residents and see what would happen!

No more, please! Stop the building for the love of God. This used to be such a beautiful little place.
Sorry to hear about the stabbings, but - there are many apartment towers in Port Credit, and there have been for many years. The latest Fram buildings are nothing new in terms of built form in the area, and in fact they look better than anything else ever built down there, yet you and your wife are appalled by them.

Things change. You're right on the GO line in a desirable location on Lake Ontario. There are a number of lots there that could be fixed up, and the fixing-up has started. It's not going to stop. If you want quiet, try Lorne Park.
Not sure why a NIMBY like that thought it was a good idea to join and rant on a forum dedicated to URBANITY.
Well, he has a point. But PC probably stopped being "nice" when the streetcar tracks were removed.

PC doesn't need towers. 6-10s is appropriate here. Towers can go downtown.

Urbanity does not equal height. The Annex is urban, yet most of the charming parts are under 5s. Downtown Stratford is urban--where are the highrises?

MCC is tall. But is it urban?
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Not that I think we should have towers everywhere, and I don't know Port Credit that well, so I think it is great if we can keep some areas village-like while having some increase in density at the same time, but the whole nimby thing just reminded me of this cartoon.
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High Rises

Most of the high rises in Port Credit are back from Lakeshore and the waterfront and they're mostly scaled down as they get closer with the higher ones almost on top of the GO station. There already have been planning mistakes made here by allowing anything over 6 stories close to the water. I agree that mega high rises are not the right thing for this area. Nothing wrong with 4-6 stories, but high rises? The Port Credit waterfront area is the wrong place for it. I think Lorne Park would be perfect.

I mean let's face it, if you like high rises so much and want to live in one, move to Toronto, south of downtown. It's nothing but a concrete jungle. No way I'll agree with that craziness in Port Credit. I doubt that most of the posters here even live here, so NIMBY? You betcha! Let's put 'em up in yours!
I love PC & Clarkson. If I ever live in the 'burbs I'm moving there--along the century old strip that is. I do not want to see unsightly pos highrises. I agree with Alpha that those apt buildings were a mistake. Why repeat them?

PC's main drag has more in common with Dundas St W Toronto than King and Spadina, so why not thoughtfully-scaled and designed projects like Abacus Lofts, Nero, 109 Oz, etc rather than Yonge and Eglinton-style highrises?
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What a real shame for the village of Port Credit. If these plans go ahead, then you might as well, take off the Port Credit name. This is no longer a village. I've lived here for some time now and both my wife and I are appalled at the high rise development just completed at Lakeshore and Hurontario, and with the proposed on Ann St. and for where No Frills now sits.

If you like 24/7 noise, come and join us here. Never used to be, but it is now. Terrible! It'll only get worse. There's no shopping here now, there'll be even less that's meaningful if these new developments are built. But hey......if you need a Dentist, we've got tons. If you need a beauty spa, we've got way too many now. In the last eight months we've had 4 serious stabbings. This was unheard of here a short while ago. This area has been taken over by incomers and festivals, bar rowdies and grid- lock, to the point that the residents here have trouble accessing our facilities here. It's turning into a real nightmare. You can bet this cowboy will be at any and all meetings this month about this.

Try ramming this stuff down the throats of the Lorne Park residents and see what would happen!

No more, please! Stop the building for the love of God. This used to be such a beautiful little place.

I will be very bunt:

If you and other NIMNY's want to maintain the existing area and not allow growth to take place, then it time for you to pickup the full cost of all service and infrastructure cost to maintain your way of life style you want.

The city was poorly design and has no place the put the 500,000 resident coming to this city by 2030 unless you go taller. How tall depends on various areas and this project as well the other you mention fit the bill with no problems.

Lorne Park is the Million community with homes in the $3-$10m range to the point bus service had to be reduce and kill, since they don't ride it in the first place.

As for crime, it happens more in one area to another over time and a lot of factors come in place for it. Hell, I had 2 shootings in my area, but take it with a gain of salt.

To have your cowboy way, you are 1,800 km away from where you should be as I live there for 6 years. Unless you and your local folks are willing to pay 3 to 5 your current tax bill to support your life style, don't expect me or the rest of the city paying for your life style.

In fact, it time to do away how taxes are assign for each residents based on $ value. A person living in a $800,000 900 sq ft unit should not have to pay the same tax as someone living in a 3,000 sq ft house on a 60 x 150 ft lot. In some cases, the taxes is lower. It should be based on Sq ft of living space as well sq ft of land supporting that living space.

I will be at this meeting also to speak in support of it, like I did the last time in PC, as well in chambers at City Hall. I even call for the rest of the block east of this project become part of this development so there is a larger NO Frills store there after this project is completed. We need more office in this area and this project will add some.

This location is a transit hub and therefore it needs higher density. That's means taller building from 6-30 storey. One person and it wasn't me, made the recommendation that a 100 storey building be built at Lakeshore and Hurontario as a beacon to say "Mississauga is here".

You are telling me human make more noise 7/24, when in fact it's traffic? Give me a break.
I guess you mean that Mississauga was very poorly designed. Don't foist Mississauga's problems all on Port Credit. This used to be a separate village. You shouldn't even consider trying to urbanize this area. Once you've done that, it's no longer unique and people will stay away in droves. You want to go so far as wipe out all the small individual buildings east of this project and the village will lose yet more of it's unique character. You are a dangerous person. You guys just don't get it. Unfortunately, there's input on this from all over Mississauga, even from the region of Peel. People who don't live in this village just do not have a clue. Hardly fair that their voices should even be heard. I'd love to see Port Credit with it's own civic government just as it once had. Too bad about Square One as well......a real concrete jungle there. How ugly can you get? Why in God's name are there 500,000 people coming to Missisauga? There's nothing here now. That won't be Canadians coming here, will it. It'll be more and more immigrants all flocking to the GTA. God, what a place! It's bad enough in Port Credit now, when the guys who run the local Post Office outlet here have trouble speaking the language as it is.

Urbanization? Yup, let's urbanize the whole world. Who needs space? Who needs peace? Evidently you don't so you'll fit right in with the rest of the sheep. Wanna know what your neighbour's having for lunch, just look out your front window! Get real! There's nothing wrong with trying to keep a little heritage in some places. This village needs to protect what's here, not tear everything down.
