Gee, between the lack of a decision, and sending staff to oppose it, i cant believe how many of these new developments end up @ the OMB, something is really weird down at City Hall when one out of every two end up in that direction
Thanks PMT for posting (44 projects) this information
Oh by the way i hope this gets approved
Gee, between the lack of a decision, and sending staff to oppose it, i cant believe how many of these new developments end up @ the OMB, something is really weird down at City Hall when one out of every two end up in that direction
Thanks PMT for posting (44 projects) this information
@Automation Gallery, although in this particular case it's not clear to me if this was triggered by a lack of a decision or by resistance from Planning and/or the local Councillor, but in general they're all going this way now because they want the chance o be heard under the system that was in place when they submitted the application, not the new system. I have a longer explanation in the Rosehill Tower thread.

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Hmm? originally got proposed in 2014 and the application submitted in Dec/15-2016, the building was not designated
The feud must be all about how the city designated the property after the application was submitted?

This is back:cool:

Ward 14 - Tor & E.York District

Rezoning application for a 7 storey office building on the southeast corner of Roncesvalles Avenue and Howard Park Avenue. Proposal includes the retention of the existing 2-storey building (former bank building) that is not on the Heritage Register.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 16 264775 STE 14 OZ Dec 15, 2016 Under Review
Hmm? originally got proposed in 2014 and the application submitted in Dec/15-2016, the building was not designated
The feud must be all about how the city designated the property after the application was submitted?

The article stated that the proposal triggered a heritage review and subsequent designation.
I also thought that they are building on TOP of the existing building. Which is fine with me.

There are single-story buildings around that corner, which should be replaced by multi-story, multi-use buildings.
From this Twitter thread:

Sean Galbraith‏@PlannerSean
Replying to @BullpenConsult @gordperks and
Demolishing is technically correct... and also correct is that they are proposing to (as best I can tell) completely rebuild it and integrate it into the new condo.


10:09 PM - 3 Apr 2018

Gord Perks‏Verified account@gordperks 10h10 hours ago
Replying to @PlannerSean @BullpenConsult and
I believe that is a rendering of an earlier proposal in which they did not intend to demolish. I have not seen a rendering of what they hope (in vain) to do now.

Sean Galbraith‏@PlannerSean 10h10 hours ago
Its the current proposal on the City’s application website. If there is a more recent version, I’m not sure why it isn’t online.

Gord Perks‏Verified account@gordperks 10h10 hours ago
When we had the pre-hearing conference at the OMB a few weeks ago, the applicant said they were developing a new proposal. I don't believe we have it yet.
At one time, I used to bank at that branch. It has a very large main banking room with a tall ceiling, but I don't think it was particularly decorative. I think it had a big old vault too. You could build an attractive mezzanine inside the main room, or an atrium.

If I had my way, I would move Meridian from across the street into the Dominion Bank building and have Propeller build on that corner. That building was built on a former gas station lot and has nothing to recommend it. No-one would object to the removal of that one. And there is a house/converted office at the corner of Hewitt that you could potentially integrate.

Surely somebody could do a better job than Propeller has to design something good on the south-east corner. While the first proposal was interesting, it still looked like a blob on top of a building. I don't think heritage means anything to them other than "roadblock to building". I must admit I do not know their development history.

It's more than just the height. There have been taller buildings approved along Howard Park. Frankly, if I was redeveloping, I would aim for something that looks more like a loft. With the new interest in wood-frame construction, the Dominion Bank would integrate well. You could look into some infill to the rear of the buildings to the south. The area is a popular area/neighbourhood and it's partly to do with the 1910s architecture/scale. I guess some developers just know better than the rest of us.
421 Roncesvalles Development Settlement


A settlement has been reached between the City of Toronto and Propeller Developments Inc., the owner of 421 Roncesvalles Avenue on the Rezoning Application for the site.

A Confidential Staff Report to City Council outlining the settlement agreement was approved at City Council last week.

The settlement permits a five storey office building with retail uses at grade. Given the tall floor to ceiling heights of the existing heritage building on the site and the taller requirements for office uses, the five storey building results in a height of 21.55 to 22 metres, with a mechanical penthouse above. The west, north, and south walls, all of which are identified as heritage attributes, will be retained and a one metre portion of the rear east wall, while not an identified heritage attribute, will also be revealed. Along Roncesvalles Ave, the new portion of the development (floors three to five) will step back at least 3.5 metres from the heritage building below, and along Howard Park Ave, will step back one metre from the heritage building below to reveal the original flat roof, which is also an identified heritage attribute.

The Staff Report and information is available online at:

Please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or to provide comment.

Councillor Gord Perks

