Novotel are taking bookings as of 30 April so they will operate as a hotel so why tear it down? The planning dept needs to step up and actually plan for development not just blindly rubber stamp what is put in front of them.
Novotel are taking bookings as of 30 April so they will operate as a hotel so why tear it down? The planning dept needs to step up and actually plan for development not just blindly rubber stamp what is put in front of them.
Tell me you have no idea what you're talking about without telling me you have no idea what you're talking about...
Tell me you have no idea what you're talking about without telling me you have no idea what you're talking about...
bookings - arrangements for hotel rooms, 30 April 2022 - a date in the future. anything else I can clear up for you?
I'm starting to wonder if the proposal is just part of the re-occupation process. Novotel would have gotten millions for renting, then millions for "refreshing" maybe this was just the part of process that involved reimaging the whole site? Since the building is in no danger of demoltion by neglect perhaps this was just part of the whole procedure? Just spreading the money around? I hopeso. Can't take any more construction down here. Not to mention the idea of the waste of a perfectly good building just to pander to marketing is sickening. Hmmmmm. Interesting. (phew?)
I am writing a proposal for alternative uses for 45 The Esplanade. We don't need another condo we need services. Things won't change if we keep rolling over for this nonsense.
We can walk and chew gum include services inside dense developments. Just look at that innovative school inside podium from the other day. Probably a better use of your time to attend the community consultations and ask the developer/city planners for those services integrated in the new development. Hell, the developer has an account on this forum and is fairly responsive, chat them up.
Novotel are taking bookings as of 30 April so they will operate as a hotel so why tear it down? The planning dept needs to step up and actually plan for development not just blindly rubber stamp what is put in front of them.
If you go to the Novotel's own booking site they say "Unavailable for the selected dates" right up to December 2022 so I think you can safely assume it's closed!

Though I agree it might be good if the City Planning folk could just go around and plan new buildings rather than waiting around for their owners to submit proposals, I think it might be somewhat impractical :->
I'm a resident at 75 The Esplanade and I am shocked at how obstructive the 36-storey towers would be for the entire west facing side of the 75 The Esplanade building (see attached photos of aerial view and ground floor plan).

Just wanted to raise awareness and promote discussion about some major issues:
  • short distance from the existing building's windows and balconies
  • loss of light
  • loss of views to and from the site
  • loss of privacy, tranquility
  • increased traffic on the laneway
  • lowered property values of 75 The Esplanade units facing the proposed development
Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 6.15.52 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 7.55.18 AM.png
I'm a resident at 75 The Esplanade and I am shocked at how obstructive the 36-storey towers would be for the entire west facing side of the 75 The Esplanade building (see attached photos of aerial view and ground floor plan).

Just wanted to raise awareness and promote discussion about some major issues:
  • short distance from the existing building's windows and balconies
  • loss of light
  • loss of views to and from the site
  • loss of privacy, tranquility
  • increased traffic on the laneway
  • lowered property values of 75 The Esplanade units facing the proposed development
View attachment 385606
All good points and REMARKABLY similar to what the residents of 55 The Esplanade said when your building was proposed.
I'm a resident at 75 The Esplanade and I am shocked at how obstructive the 36-storey towers would be for the entire west facing side of the 75 The Esplanade building (see attached photos of aerial view and ground floor plan).

Just wanted to raise awareness and promote discussion about some major issues:
  • short distance from the existing building's windows and balconies
  • loss of light
  • loss of views to and from the site
  • loss of privacy, tranquility
  • increased traffic on the laneway
  • lowered property values of 75 The Esplanade units facing the proposed development
View attachment 385606View attachment 385607
I don't mean to rain on the parade but every building eventually loses some views.
-I believe that the distance between 75 and 45 meets the current zoning requirements
-Loss of light happens around every new development in the core of the city
-Loss of views happens around every new development in the city
-Loss of privacy and tranquility happens around every new development
-Increased traffic happens due to more residents in the area of new developments
-Value doest change much

All of these things have happened around my condo where i live, it's the price we pay for living in the core of the city with extra density, i would rather live here than in suburbia.
I'm a resident at 75 The Esplanade and I am shocked at how obstructive the 36-storey towers would be for the entire west facing side of the 75 The Esplanade building (see attached photos of aerial view and ground floor plan).

Just wanted to raise awareness and promote discussion about some major issues:
  • short distance from the existing building's windows and balconies
  • loss of light
  • loss of views to and from the site
  • loss of privacy, tranquility
  • increased traffic on the laneway
  • lowered property values of 75 The Esplanade units facing the proposed development
Always happy to welcome new members to UT, but this is going to be an uphill battle here, friendo.
I'm a resident at 75 The Esplanade and I am shocked at how obstructive the 36-storey towers would be for the entire west facing side of the 75 The Esplanade building (see attached photos of aerial view and ground floor plan).

Just wanted to raise awareness and promote discussion about some major issues:
  • short distance from the existing building's windows and balconies
  • loss of light
  • loss of views to and from the site
  • loss of privacy, tranquility
  • increased traffic on the laneway
  • lowered property values of 75 The Esplanade units facing the proposed development
Always happy to welcome new members to UT, but this is going to be an uphill battle here, friendo.

I'm just here with popcorn waiting for the show to start
