Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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New Application in the AIC for this site, no description or docs as yet.


Site is an existing Tower-in-the-Park apartment site with a great deal of 'blank' land. Some of it surface parking, some lawn.


I don't know, but I would assume the intent is to build either a new tower, or an addition to the existing one.

Based on some quick math, I'd be inclined to build a new building perpendicular to the existing running E-W across the site.

It would be nice to be rid of the surface parking, but unless there is an intent to gut or replace the existing building, separation distances will cause some headaches on that side, particularly further south.

There is some room to do something on the Milo Park side, but its a bit tighter.
*Docs are up*

From the Planning Rational Report:





Outside of a high parking ratio, there's not much to dislike here.
100% purpose built-rental.
16% 3-bedrooms
Healthy separation distance.
Enhanced amenities for existing tenants

FSI is a bit low at 2, but this allowed all the intensification on the side street portion of the site, and retaining the existing building.
Not at all how I thought this would be organized.

I do wish they had a better way of handling the relationship to Jane Street, which will be beset with surface parking.

But it's hard to argue against the overall proposal.
The total height changed from 25.40 & 25.40m to 25.00m & 25.00m. Total height changed from 142 units to 135 units. Finally, the total parking space was reduced from 253 parking to 238 parking.

Rendering taken from the architectural plan via Rezoning:

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 25  2023 (1)-1.jpg
