I found a great write-up on the history of this site on the TTC's website. http://www3.ttc.ca/About_the_TTC/Co...04/Jul_14_2004/Other/Yonge_Sheppard_Land_.jsp

The main problems with attracting a larger development on this site has to do with the strict commercial zoning (not even mixed use) in this market environment, and building restrictions due to the subway infrastructure and bus bay.

In September, 2001, when construction on the Sheppard Subway was nearing completion, a Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) was put out on the market for the Yonge-Sheppard lands (Parts 2, 3 and 4) and the air rights over the Sheppard bus terminal (Part 1). As part of the REOI, it was proposed that the bus terminal be reconfigured to free up additional land for development. Only one, non-compliant response to the REOI was received. The lack of interest was attributed to commercial office market conditions, the constraints on development imposed by zoning and the presence of the subway structure (including the bus terminal, electrical substation and subway ventilation shafts).

As someone who lives in this area, I don't have a problem with their decision to wait for better market conditions to get an office tower here and don't mind that there is retail coming in until such a time. Better than the empty wind swept lot that was there until recently. I'm just hoping the tenant is going to be a real retail or clothing store, but more likely will be something like a bank branch or drug store or wireless store or something.
I found a great write-up on the history of this site on the TTC's website. http://www3.ttc.ca/About_the_TTC/Co...04/Jul_14_2004/Other/Yonge_Sheppard_Land_.jsp

The main problems with attracting a larger development on this site has to do with the strict commercial zoning (not even mixed use) in this market environment, and building restrictions due to the subway infrastructure and bus bay.

As someone who lives in this area, I don't have a problem with their decision to wait for better market conditions to get an office tower here and don't mind that there is retail coming in until such a time. Better than the empty wind swept lot that was there until recently. I'm just hoping the tenant is going to be a real retail or clothing store, but more likely will be something like a bank branch or drug store or wireless store or something.

Maybe they should bring Dempsey Store back to its original location? :)
Its strange you say that when just across the street (4800 Yonge)..there are rumours rumbling about a 25 storey office tower.
After the CBD, this is definitely the 2nd most desirable area/location in Toronto for office development...building this is a waste of future valuable office space...and something stinks here.:confused: (16-20 years:confused:)

huh, where is this rumor from ?

Common stop and think about it for a second, in the last 10/15 years there's been 1 office building built in NYCC ... and there were a couple boom times in that period ... still nothing ...
but TAAL is correct. We have gone through a BOOM that had BA1 built, MARS, the south core Tower, RBC built, TELUS Built, and I am sure a few others. However NOT ONE Yonge and Sheppard OFFICE BUILDING... Although it appears to be in a great location off a subway, close to a highway, and around a dense community NYCC hasnt scene anything other then condos constructed. Its sad but its true. The office buildings keep getting built and proposed Downtown while Y&S if anything hear a few rumours. FTR I am 110% support
Aug 27
Foundation is in place for a number of areas for this project. Not sure why the foundation is not closer to the existing building next to it.

I expect this will be a steel frame building




I agree it is not the best solution for this prime site, but it is way better than the depressing look of this abandoned corner... And it is a temporary solution until some big name will come on board and build something appropriate.

..Like 501 Yonge, downtown? That peice of crap has sat waiting for developers for what, 25+ years?
I see this as a Ford-Planning Fail!
but TAAL is correct. We have gone through a BOOM that had BA1 built, MARS, the south core Tower, RBC built, TELUS Built, and I am sure a few others. However NOT ONE Yonge and Sheppard OFFICE BUILDING... Although it appears to be in a great location off a subway, close to a highway, and around a dense community NYCC hasnt scene anything other then condos constructed. Its sad but its true. The office buildings keep getting built and proposed Downtown while Y&S if anything hear a few rumours. FTR I am 110% support

Considering that CBD area is 10 times as big (just my rough estimate) as NYCC, even one office building will make it up for it.
All the other windows and doors in that building have been boarded up for a while now. I'm not sure what will happen, but I hope it gets redeveloped with the corner property when the lease ends (with the TTC bus terminal as well).
Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but according to my mom, T&T is supposed to open a new store in the area.
T&T is going into Emerald Park

So this development on the corner is going to be a gigantic food court?
