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Jul 14, 2016
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Ward 03 - Etob. York District

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Rezoning by-law amendment application to permit three stacked townhouse blocks that include 60 residential units with a total residential gross floor area of 5104sqm. A total of 68 parking proposed spaces, 65 parking spaces would be located below grade in a parking garage and 3 parking spaces would be located adjacent to the internal proposed landscaped courtyard.

Proposed Use --- # of Storeys 0 # of Units 60

Current site:




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When I was growing up, the East Mall Medical Centre picture at the top was where my family doctor practised. It's a simple, fine little modernist building. Last time I was in there though a couple of years ago, the interior was showing that time had not been kind. Technological changes have been huge for offices over the last decades, of course, and especially in the medical world, so the place looked like a cable and duct bomb had gone off in the building.

Despite me understanding that the doctors and medical labs there are moving to a better building for their needs, the memory of tongue depressors and stethoscopes makes the proposed change in land use feel a little weird to me.

Depends on how it's received by planning. Applications generally take a minimum of a year but can things can take much longer depending on the scale and complexity of the project.
Depends on how it's received by planning. Applications generally take a minimum of a year but can things can take much longer depending on the scale and complexity of the project.

Thanks. So probably won't see any floor plans until at least early next year.
The City is actually required to render a decision on an application within 120 days. If it doesn't, a developer may appeal to the OMB - - - but the developer doesn't have to appeal, they can and often do wait for the process with the City to continue.

In a case like this one, they have tenants in the building currently, and we don't know how long before those leases end. If the leases continue for a while, the owner either must buy them out, or wait until they expire. Point is, we just don't know how big a rush this owner/developer is in. It's different with each one.

In a case like this one, they have tenants in the building currently, and we don't know how long before those leases end. If the leases continue for a while, the owner either must buy them out, or wait until they expire.

Are there still tenants in this building? My dentist and optometrist used to be here but as far as I know they've all moved to the new location at East Mall/North Queen. Haven is currently using the site as a paid parking lot from what I can tell.
If that's the case, there's nothing holding them back in that regard! If they were already emptying the building, I'm surprised that the rezoning application didn't come in earlier: the planning process may keep them waiting now.

what is with new developments never providing full sized appliances any more? even in units that have the space for them, like these, they are using condo-size appliances.
Not a particularly ambitious project. Renderings look nice enough, but seems like an underutilization given the large commercial buildings surrounding the site. 65 townhouses here don’t seem worth the loss of commercially-zoned lands. Mixed use please.
