After a lot of garbage in Liberty Village, Plazacorp seems to be on the right track with their last project in Ivory on Adelaide (Hariri Pontarini). This thread is pretty old so not sure if Quadrangle is still the firm in charge of design for this but they're alright. Another HP design would be ideal though after seeing their fantastic recent work, and this is a pretty legit downtown location.
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Thanks for this thread...I was walking past this site the other week and could not remember what was there. I was away for all of the demolition, so thanks to all for the photos. A little off topic...does anyone know what is going on with that huge lot south of Wellesley between Yonge and Bay? (or kindly direct me to the correct thread...thanks)
A little off topic...does anyone know what is going on with that huge lot south of Wellesley between Yonge and Bay? (or kindly direct me to the correct thread...thanks)

Here you go, but I'll warn you, just a whole bunch of confusion in this thread. From lowrise, to supertall, to park, to a mix of both, I think this property is stuck in a legal mess for the land partially involving the Ontario Gov, City of TO, Morguard, and the condo tower (because of unpromised shared amenities) at 909 Bay.
Here you go, but I'll warn you, just a whole bunch of confusion in this thread. From lowrise, to supertall, to park, to a mix of both, I think this property is stuck in a legal mess for the land partially involving the Ontario Gov, City of TO, Morguard, and the condo tower (because of unpromised shared amenities) at 909 Bay.

They will settle it one day, and wouldnt be a bit surprised if they propose something over 60 storeys for that location.
A sign was being erected on site today, from the panels laying on the ground it looks like it reads something like "register now" or "register soon", that's all I could make out when I walked by. Sorry for the crappy iPhone shot

Sorry for the crappy iPhone shot

After all these years of delays, this looks like the official launch of this project. Nice to finally have this empty lot filled up.
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Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 50 WELLESLEY ST E

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 12 138205 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Mar 16, 2012

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: This is for a 29 storey condominium with at grade retail. There is also three(3) levels of below grade parking.
That's a little high, maybe closer to 25 but we'll see how the community reacts to 29s, presumably a point tower. It's a very wide lot so hopefully some decent retail will go in, this is a very well traveled area by those on foot.
That's a little high, maybe closer to 25 but we'll see how the community reacts to 29s, presumably a point tower. It's a very wide lot so hopefully some decent retail will go in, this is a very well traveled area by those on foot.

Truthfully, what is the visual diference between a 25s to 29s building...Holy Geese:confused:
Truthfully, what is the visual diference between a 25s to 29s building...Holy Geese:confused:

So it's about 40' of difference, a considerably amount of additional shadowing to those who live in the very expensive homes to the north of this location. Me, I'm honestly not opposed to 29 stories here at all - heck, make it higher, but I know the neighbourhood and they ain't gonna' like it.
With this project moving forward presumably the legal issues between this and the property to the west (40 Wellesley E.) have been settled so that will likely move forward in the next year or so which means two new additional tower proposals soon, not just the one at 50 Wellesley E. so these will only increase the wrath of residents to the north.
In the end "22 Wellesley" (east) is 23 storeys so maybe 29 stories here will fly. Time will tell.
