You have the dermination, you need to put it to use. Accumulate the money and build the towers the way you feel fit. Or, like Leftcoaster over at SSP, get a job at one of the developers and work your way up to the top, and make a real impact on the design of buildings. Other options include, becoming a chair on the city design and review panel, or short of that becomign the most amazing engineer/architect ever, and desiging materials that make the most amazing glamour buildings at the most cost effective price point. Giving you a double win, cause you'll make a lot of money on the patents Motorola style!! Anyways telling myself or AG, that we should be demanding more, when we like what's being built is not going to change how you view what is being built in the city.
Everytime I open my browser at Skyscraperpage I laugh at Philadelphia, Sorry, I laugh my ass off, till my nose runs, stomach hurts and eyes water looking at the projects going on there. They're short and boring boxes, makes Pickering look like Atlanta. Sounds mean, but it's true. And to think they are twice as rich as us, and this is the "crap" they're getting. If I was rich like Carlos Slim, and Prince Bin Alwaleed I'd be building all the stuff you see going up in Dubai and London, just like that. Pay off the city with a new park and swing set for the kids, and just roll like that. Imagine that. Crazy.