I like the idea of the pink hued glass canopy for Holts running along Bloor. It is slightly reminiscent of Fauchon in Paris.
large render via pdf


I believe this pink podium thing will have an LED Component. (perhaps and LED Wall ??)

Looks very good!
Barely a pass and easily forgettable for the first 80+ building in the city. I don't see the wow factor in this one, but as you know by now, i expect more from projects in the city, and
am getting used to underachievers. I keep hoping that next time......
are these all the renders in the PDF's?... cause i've given up on trying to download the file. I tried downloading it to my desktop on mac and pc and on 2 different browsers, and it still gets stuck at around 37 mb... maybe it's my wifi or something, or maybe i'm just impatient. or i'll have to try using ethernet. lol
Well, now that I've seen a more detailed rendering, my judgement is that the building starts off great at the base and gets progressively worse as it goes up. The podium is actually very well done, and kind of reminds me of the MoMA in New York for some reason. It actually is worthy of an 80 storey skyscraper at a prime location. Too bad that can't be said for the rest of the building.

I think the worst thing about this building is that it is 4 clashing styles, one on top of another. I think I would have accepted it more if the building was bland, but of a uniform design from top to bottom (think 10 York).
The podium retail plans are interesting - the plans are marked "Holt's" only up to the 4th floor - even though the retail above goes up to 7 floors total. Is Holt's going to be 7 floors, or is there another retail tenant above Holt's?

There is also a 4 floor contiguous retail space next to Holt's (it says retail circulation (escalators) by tenant) that could in theory house a Nordstrom, Saks 5th Ave or Bloomingdales.
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50 Bloor Street vs. City Council?

Just read that Councillor Tam-Wong is against this amazing project because it might cast too much of a shadow? Seriously? How is it that the people in charge or construction know absolutely nothing about it??? It's 83 stories tall, of course it's going to cast a shadow! That is the same reason city council rejected the Sapphire Tower proposal, they were afraid it, and I quote "might cast a shadow on Nathan Philips Square", really? How stupid are these people?, in case they didn't notice, the Square is already surrounded by towers, including the tallest building in the city, First Canadian Place! I pray they come to their senses, I could understand their objections if it were built in the burbs, but it's in the downtown core, surrounded by many tall towers. These Councillors better wake up and realize Toronto is a city of towers, and you can't stop evolution. This is indeed a very exciting time for our city, there is no other city in all of north America with as much tower construction as we currently have, so why try stopping it! I was praying this was going to be our first super tall, but 909 feet isn't a bad start, with all the recent and future construction at Yonge and Bloor, it will make a perfect addition to the growing skyline, and it has style, not some square glass and steel eye sore like Concord City Place. In fact, this is the perfect area for a super tall, just far enough away to keep the CN Tower in full view (personally, I think it's over rated, it is a symbol of our city, and has been since its completion in the 70's, but I think it's time for a new symbol, not to mention bragging rights for the owners, and for the city. We have far more towers then most cities, yet haven't one super tall? Time to bring Toronto into the spotlight once again!
The larger rendering makes me dislike it even more. What a thoughtless unremarkable design for such a prominent location.
Peepers, Buildup, Kris: your posts have been deleted because they include yelling (all caps or bolding), and swearing. Do that again, and you'll find yourself on holiday from UrbanToronto. Read the Rules of Conduct pinned near the top of the Projects and Construction Forum.
Just read that Councillor Tam-Wong is against this amazing project because it might cast too much of a shadow? Seriously? How is it that the people in charge or construction know absolutely nothing about it??? It's 83 stories tall, of course it's going to cast a shadow! That is the same reason city council rejected the Sapphire Tower proposal, they were afraid it, and I quote "might cast a shadow on Nathan Philips Square", really? How stupid are these people?, in case they didn't notice, the Square is already surrounded by towers, including the tallest building in the city, First Canadian Place! I pray they come to their senses, I could understand their objections if it were built in the burbs, but it's in the downtown core, surrounded by many tall towers. These Councillors better wake up and realize Toronto is a city of towers, and you can't stop evolution. This is indeed a very exciting time for our city, there is no other city in all of north America with as much tower construction as we currently have, so why try stopping it! I was praying this was going to be our first super tall, but 909 feet isn't a bad start, with all the recent and future construction at Yonge and Bloor, it will make a perfect addition to the growing skyline, and it has style, not some square glass and steel eye sore like Concord City Place. In fact, this is the perfect area for a super tall, just far enough away to keep the CN Tower in full view (personally, I think it's over rated, it is a symbol of our city, and has been since its completion in the 70's, but I think it's time for a new symbol, not to mention bragging rights for the owners, and for the city. We have far more towers then most cities, yet haven't one super tall? Time to bring Toronto into the spotlight once again!

Don't you think calling City Councillors stupid is a bit much? Have you ever once sat in on a community meeting for a building proposal? Nope.
Since when is Councillor Wong-Tam against this project? Can you please provide a link to a credible source? Last I read she had "concerns" about shadows.
Btw, Sapphire's failure was nothing to do with shadowing - he and the City had that all worked out at 60-something levels, Stinson failed and went bankrupt.
Details please!

Oxford. They are also doing the nearby Cumberland Terrace project, which also looks to have been supersized from what I hear (two tallish towers -- 45s and 36s -- have been redesigned into a single tower).

When did this happen? Is there a site we can find more info? Sounds amazing, thanks for the info!
