I'm fascinated that in the example you chose to cite, you're missing all the sun coming through the trees and lighting up and nourishing the tree canopy.

More density dosent nessessarily mean complete loss of sunlight.

Developers can incorporate courtyards and publically accesible parks within retail podiums . In some cases , as high as 10 stories abovd ground level. There are many examples of this in Asia
More density dosent nessessarily mean complete loss of sunlight.

Developers can incorporate courtyards and publically accesible parks within retail podiums . In some cases , as high as 10 stories abovd ground level. There are many examples of this in Asia

When did I become an opponent of density? Come on, now.

I never suggested that we can't have tall buildings in the City, and this particular site is already zoned for tall buildings, the developer has chosen to return seeking even greater height.

The idea that nothing is sacred and everything must be sacrificed to maximum height and density on every single site is simply something I see as unreasonable and unsupportable.

Everything in moderation, nuance is a good word.
Greater density in exchange for a publically accesible courtyard park within the retail podium seems like a reasonable trade off to me. But the city generally dosent think outside the box.
Greater density in exchange for a publically accesible courtyard park within the retail podium seems like a reasonable trade off to me. But the city generally dosent think outside the box.

What courtyard? There is no courtyard in this proposal.

This is the ground floor plan:


Where do you imagine fitting this courtyard? You can't remove the loading, or the parking ramp or the lobbies. Even if you could partially shift the lobbies to a second floor it wouldn't create usable park space underneath. Parks also doesn't accept (nor should it) strata parks (meaning over underground parking), as it would have to scrape all the park away every 25-35 years when the garage membrane needed work.


How does creating a small, pseudo-private space, too small for any programming offset deteriorating conditions in a park that already exists?
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