Damn, pretty bare bones submission. Not a heck of a lot to delve into there. Full loss of office isn't good, I hope the City doesn't accept that (correspondence between Goldberg and Planning seems to suggest they're at least struggling with it).
The previous version of this submission, above, was appealed to OLT in October '23.

First CMC was conducted in February, next one is scheduled for Sept 16th, 2024, no Merit Hearing is yet scheduled.

While we wait:

Resubmission here w/the office component gone, its now 100% residential except for the retail at-grade.

@Paclo is flagged.

@HousingNowTO may wish to make note of this one, removal of office, close to transit, high density residential, certainly looks like an affordable housing ask to me.

Revised Site Plan:

View attachment 546704

Renders in the new submission:

View attachment 546705

View attachment 546706

View attachment 546707

Although we really need all of the housing and the current office space environment, I would be surprised if they will approve this with zero office. It is in the core and a major workplace area, so it would be a shame to lose it fully as a place for office space in the future.
If they’re going all residential, this should be a conversion, not a teardown.

But yes, this is an affordable housing play.

