Developer: Allied Properties REIT, Great Gulf
Address: 540-544 King St W, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 166 ft / 50.66 mStoreys: 15 storeys
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544 King St West - Allied Properties

Not sure is there is already a thread for this project. I was under the impression that this new office building was to take 544 king and 548 as well, however as per the link is only 544 king west. at least the owners of the units on the east side of Fashionhouse won't have this building so close, also the south office building will be just 8 storeys, so the east facing units at fashionhouse above the 8 floor won't have their views blocked for now.
I think its just a matter of time when Allied acquires the 548 King site too ... it would make more sense from a redevelopment stand point ....

based on the drawings though it looks decent~ nice to see office-use proposals in this area for change
Not sure is there is already a thread for this project. I was under the impression that this new office building was to take 544 king and 548 as well, however as per the link is only 544 king west. at least the owners of the units on the east side of Fashionhouse won't have this building so close, also the south office building will be just 8 storeys, so the east facing units at fashionhouse above the 8 floor won't have their views blocked for now.

Thanks for the posting but the south tower is still too high at 38.5m for King St. W. and what is this about 54 residential parking spots? It must be a mistake in their stats sheet.
54 parking spaces are provided by the 18 stalls of triple parking stackers (mechanical structure whereby you can park three cars vertically)

I don't see what the problem would be with the proposed 8 + 12 storey office building (its comparable to 455 + FashionHouse), which would be a nice street wall height ... UNLESS that is if you own a unit in 455 Adelaide or FashionHouse that would be affected by this and your opinion is based out of personal interest
Anyone facing south in 455 Adelaide will eventually be boxed in - particularly the lower floors.
54 parking spaces are provided by the 18 stalls of triple parking stackers (mechanical structure whereby you can park three cars vertically)

I don't see what the problem would be with the proposed 8 + 12 storey office building (its comparable to 455 + FashionHouse), which would be a nice street wall height ... UNLESS that is if you own a unit in 455 Adelaide or FashionHouse that would be affected by this and your opinion is based out of personal interest

Comparing it to FashionHouse is the problem as that massing and height IMO is a little too much for that area of King St. W. This is the issue with development in this City. One developer puts in an application and sells units without approval, we then start comparing to it as if it OK and has been approved by the City. Fashion House and this Allied Building are close to being right, but both still need to be slimmed down a bit.
I agree. The more I look at those pictures of Fashion House, the more it appears bulky and top-heavy. It absolutely dominates the Silver Plate building and makes me wonder if the effort of preservation will make a difference. People who live in 455 Adelaide look as if they will be facing a fourteen floor wall a mere forty or so feet away.

One has to wonder if this part of King is becoming a victim of its own success?
Apparently, Fashion House was given extra height in exchange for including a green P lot underground. I guess it all comes down to cash...
New rendering...

It looks like Allied has slightly modified the rendering of this new office building - though, it is still 8 stories and 12 stories. The initial rendering in this report is different. It shows a structure replacing Grand & Toy and Pizza Pizza. 12 stories in the back, right beside a school yard doesn't make any sense at all. Hopefully the projected height of these buildings will not get approved.
Thanks for the posting!

The grand&toy and pizza pizza site is owned by Great Gulf and not part of this abhorent building. Although I hear through local circles that GG has been for the last couple of weeks poking around on redevelopment options.

Tha date of drawings says Sept 10/08 but I don't think they have been to the CoA yet. Anybody know what Allied is up to on this one or is the current "scareconomy" busting their plans?
It looks like Allied has slightly modified the rendering of this new office building - though, it is still 8 stories and 12 stories. The initial rendering in this report is different. It shows a structure replacing Grand & Toy and Pizza Pizza. 12 stories in the back, right beside a school yard doesn't make any sense at all. Hopefully the projected height of these buildings will not get approved.

Wow. They'll try anything.

This new rendering shows the same Allied project we've seen before, but this time they've covered up the single storey Pizza Pizza and Grand & Toy building with a massive, nondescript, bulky building that doesn't exist in order to downplay the size of their project. The Allied office building looks like it fits right in now!
As it would when the Pizza Pizza site is finally developed....

I wouldn't go as far as to say that the criticisms here are illegitimate, but they do seem pretty unfounded. Schoolyard, children, height? Are any of them really going to look around and say, sheesh, that building is really oppressive.

'Hopefully the projected height of these buildings will get approved'
I'm fine with the height in the north end (wouldn't mind more height there tbh), but I'd prefer to see the section that meets the street shortened, or at LEAST set back several more feet from the street.
