Developer: Freed Developments
Address: 550 Wellington St W, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Hotel, Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2010
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 15 storeys
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15 June 2009 photo update:

I hope Concord puts up a tower in the Loblaw's warehouse (keeping the facade at least) that will compliment Malibu--a gateway to Bathurst Street.

Here's the view of the crane/future potential from the hill on Bathurst:

The last crane was coming down on my way home from work tonight. Another reason why June 25, 2009 is a momentous day. RIP MJ!!
I seem to remember that Freed also pledged to transform/enliven the public square in front of this building. those plans even won a city of Toronto design award. But I haven't noticed any progress and the park looks as dowdy and humble as ever.

Does anyone know if or when the upgrade to the park will occur?
Wasn't the parkette renovated last year? I remember it being completed surrounded by temporary fencing.
Wasn't the parkette renovated last year? I remember it being completed surrounded by temporary fencing.

Yes and some of it is still fence off.
Wasn't the parkette renovated last year? I remember it being completed surrounded by temporary fencing.

That park is in shambles right now....all dug up. It pretty much is 100% surrounded by fencing again. There is a sign on the far side of the park talking about what they are doing. It all sounded quite historical and boring.
My mistake. That landscape design is for the sliver of land in front of 550. Not for the adjacent park. Too bad.

What is it with Toronto and its dowdy public spaces, like this one and nearby Clarence Square? Most other cities aspiring to some sort of world class status would cherish these spaces. What a waste.
Wallah, both are gradually getting more attention, especially as more residents are moving in around the spaces. It's not like nothing is happening.

Both Victoria Memorial Park and Clarence Square can be cherished as they are, though. They've got lovely mature trees that provide shade on hot summer days, and they're a nice counterpoint to other urban spaces that are designed for programmed events - Yonge-Dundas Square for instance, or as tourist attractions ( HtO ). Joan Burt renovated the row houses at the north end of Clarence some 40 years ago and they're holding up nicely.
I hear you 42.

I like what Freed is proposing for the front of 550.

And I do enjoy both those squares. What I mean is they could be both more inviting (with more paths and benches) and maybe even more uplifting (I'm picturing a fountain, statue or sculpture).
