Perhaps an American boutique hotel chain can get by, in their own country, with this level of service but we require better here.
from my travel experiences I would suggest that Americans demand and expect the highest level of service of any country I have been to... (all while paying slave wages to hospitality employees of course)
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from my travel experiences I would suggest that Americans demand and expect the highest level of service of any country I have been to... (all while paying slave wages to hospitality employees of course)

I agree. I would say this is a good example of a failed attempt to recreate an American vibe/service.
from my travel experiences I would suggest that Americans demand and expect the highest level of service of any country I have been to... (all while paying slave wages to hospitality employees of course)

Couldn't have said it better. I have travelled to forty US states and their customer service puts ours to shame.
The world would end if Americans had to bag their own groceries. Canadians are just used to taking it up the ass in our oligopoly exclusive nation.
it looks like a cheap copy of " The W" hotel by Starwood , Toronto really needs a W hotel

Toronto should have had a W hotel years ago, it would fit in well with the city, I have visited one of the Thompson hotels in NY, The hotel caters towards the under 40 yuppie paris hilton and wannabe rock star types. The self centred attitude of the staff may work in a place like SOHO but it certainly wont work in Toronto. I kind of feel sorry for the condo owners, i can see noise being a real problem in this area in the future.
There are a few things I like about the United States. New York, the Lakers, and Customer service. I dont know if we just have really bad service so I am use to it or really theirs is truly exceptional. Either way I prefer to shop or eat out when I go to the states. When shopping in Canada it seems that you are hastling the employees whom are just waiting to finish school or go on to a REAL job.Department stores like "the BAY" (even the downtown locations) are the worst for this. The Bay has a unique second problem NOT ENOUGH EMPLOYEES. So although its frusterating finding a employee who doesnt know much its even more frusterating when you cant find an employee at all. When shopping in the states, it feels like the employees take ownership in the company and are actually happy and willing to serve you. They actually know if they have something in stock. They dont have it. No problem, walking ten feet to a computer to order it is what they are there to do. When eating at restaurants in Canada (EVEN some Yorkville ones, So money isnt a determining factor when eating if service will be any better) the server presents a menu takes your order presents your order and finally comes back ready for his or her tip. In the states the waiter/tress comes by fills your cup with water, asks if the meals ok, if there is any issue they fix it, and it isn't rare that a manager would ask how your visit has been. I hate the portions american restaurants give (IM NOT A ELEPHANT) but I loveee their customer service. IN Toronto its so bad I have found about 5 restaurants that I will spend 90% of my eating out time in. These restaurants I have selected staff as my waiter or waitress which have all been there more then 5 years (NO COLLEGE KIDS JUST THERE FOR A "JOB" but people who view this as a career choice) whom I know each of their names and they know mine as well. As for the other 10% of the time I eat out. 9 outa 10 times I simply wish I had just stayed at one of my fab five.

As for this comment "I would suggest that Americans demand and expect the highest level of service of any country I have been to... (all while paying slave wages to hospitality employees of course)" My only comment to this (and I have worked both retail and restaurant industry) if you dont like the pay dont accept the job. Once you get to work it really shouldnt be a issue what they are paying you. You still have a job to do (even if its temporary jst to get you through school)and you should do it with pride and to the best of your ability. A door greater who holds doors for someone cant say to him self I should get paid twice this ammount so Ill only open the door half way and the customer can do the rest. Or what if a employee went into work went to his or her boss and said "you know I realized, Im not going to be here very long, maybe a summer or two, so I thought to myself theres no reason in getting too familiar with everything since Ill be leaving soon. Ill just show up at exactly nine and leave at exactly five and during the day Im just going to hover in this one area because really no one will bother me here and I can have time away from customers to imagine my REAL job." No thats insane. I think the americans have it right. They demand that the workers work. Doesnt that make sense? In Canada its the reverse of the Customer is always right its the EMployees are always right or maybe more accurate the Emplyees are always incompitant.

Now there are restaurants that are offering a new way to pay. Once you are done eating you can pay your bill via your blackberry. So the waiter doesnt even Need to come over and pick up your plates and TIP. How convienent. Why not just make a restaurant where you sit down order your meal via your Blackberry and then the server ONLY needs to be hastled once when they bring you the food.

I would lose it if I was spending 400 a night or more on a room and my customer service was worse then The Bay. For that much money the room and the SERVICE better be great.

OK done RANT
I've been to the The Counter twice and tried about 4-5 dishes and they've all been great. I've noticed it's been getting a lot busier lately too.

Scarpetta didn't dissappoint either. It's actually not too expensive and they have a lot of reasonably priced win.
OK done RANT

Do you think that broad generalizations in this instance are helpful? If so, I can always tell you about the thumb prints I found in my food at a US restaurant, and the waitress who vehemently denied that they were hers.

I have had great service in many places in Canada. I can even tell you about instances of great service I've had in France.
Looking at The Counter's exterior today, it struck me as a classic case of "adaptive reuse" (of a sort) that was meant to be reverent but wound up looking cynical instead...
