I'm guessing that these would be all rentals, does St. Jamestown really need more rentals? I mean really!?!

I'm in favor of rebuilding that No Frills though... it's a disaster in there.
I love how the rendering shows fashionably-dressed white people enjoying roof-top amenities. Yup, that's what it will be like.
I lived on the 21st floor of 545 Sherbourne back in the early 90's and the fire department would pull up on Bleecker Street, in front of 200 Wellesley, at least twice a night. I wonder how the proposed residents of the town homes on Bleecker will like that?
^^ Yes, as was posted a page back...

Some new details:

  • Old design: 750 sqm floorplate & 36s
  • New Design: 623 sqm floorplate & 43s
  • Elevated skygardens connecting towers
  • New design increases setbacks from the streets
  • The shed/roof covering Earl Street will be removed and all new landscaping
  • New street oriented retail along Sherbourne
  • No Frills will be renovated and expanded
  • Much improved landscaping and improved facades along Sherbourne
  • Townhomes along Bleecker Street & improved streetscape & landscaping
  • Planned as a rental tower (market rents)
  • Sol Wassermuhl is the architect
It looks cool - the bridges ... but what purpose would they serve???
The plan.














Ugh, why tear down the NoFrills? such a good store.

Good store!! Where are you from? It's a horrible store in so many levels. TEAR IT DOWN!
I will gladly pay more for groceries to not have to deal with the lack of choices, the pile up of grocery carts, the lack of merchandise, the unhelpful staff. I go only because of convenience since its across the street.
Otherwise I stop on the way at any other store I pass.
There is always that other store on Wellesley if you want chaos.
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I'm guessing that these would be all rentals, does St. Jamestown really need more rentals? I mean really!?!

I'm in favor of rebuilding that No Frills though... it's a disaster in there.

There is nothing wrong with rentals. Its the subsidized lower income rentals and the Toronto Housing that are a problem.
These buildings have raised their rents in the last couple of years and I am sure will continue to do so as the demographics change with the redevelopement.
