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I mean at this point, is this city going to have any employment land left outside of the downtown core? I'd hate to see Evans Ave lose all it's industrial land due to residential pushout/NIMBYsm, and ultimately turning into another high-rise residential strip.

On a side note, I'd like to congratulate the future buyers/renters for moving into one of the most (if not the most) toxic cesspools of air that Toronto has. Between all the air pollution, noise pollution, and highway gridlock traffic, this is one of the absolute last places i'd ever want to move into. Luckily for the developer, they'll get away with all that by pitching the close proxitmity to Sherway, and Pearson Airport (plus the other typical false advertisement of being close to Downtown, Kipling Station, and the lake).
Lol so it's back again, but this time with 2 more towers? It's the exact opposite of what this site needs. Townhouses would be much more appropriate for this area. And on that note, what's the point of even having that row of townhouses on the eastern edge of this site if this is what they are doing? The plan doesnt make sense.

They can push for how great this site is because of the highway connectivity, but the QEW and Gardiner in both directions in this area are already clogged and the transit in this area is pretty atrocious.
UT article summary:

So I shot this on December 31 after cruising by 450 Evans. At the time I had searched the database but found nothing since I was searching for the adjacent 579 Evans or some other such number from Google maps. I thought demolition was imminent but it was still untouched today when I drove by.


MGI appears to have been using this site as a local storage yard for their machinery for the past 2 years. They're still working on demolishing a factory off of Royal Windsor in the Clarkson area.
