This is my pediatrician's office. Not a very nice office building. Cramped, dirty, and outdated. Not a loss, but I hope they replace all the medical offices and the pharmacy.
Not overly important tidbit of info of the day but after looking it up, TIL that Sanderling is the name of a bird.

Anyways, here's the UT article from today summarizing this project:

View of the current building on site:

This one has made its way to the OLT, and is the subject of an Appeals report seeking approval to have staff oppose this, at the next meeting of NYCC:

Key City objections:






Additionally several key studies are missing or appear materially inadequate, including those for wind and methane gas (site is within 250M of a closed landfill); also insufficient info for staff to determine if office replacement is functional/compliant.


Comments: This one is facing some real headwinds. This missing studies alone could sink this as they really aren't negotiable. That said, the City is pretty clear on a few things. Non-compliant with OPA for road-widening (0.4M is a small issue, but not a winnable for one for the proponent); site not suited to tall building, OLT can disagree, but it often upholds the City on this, especially if an application is not overly compelling and is non-compliant in other ways.

Shadowing a park......that's a no-no; especially one other developers in the area are financing the expansion of.....
500 m from a new transit line and the city want to opposed a 32 storey mixed-use tower.
In any other city they would be begging developers to build this exact thing there.
Lets hope the OLT does the right thing here.
This city block was intentionally zoned for conflict (the residential portion was rezoned from 3 to 4 stories on June 18th). If you zone both 4-story residential (about 20%) and 20-35-story commercial-residential (about 80% of the area) in 1 small city block, you cannot prevent conflict.
I wonder if a settlement is in the offing here.

The OLT Merit hearing was due shortly, but was adjourned, as was the latest CMC.

Resubmission here.


Key Bits:

Eliminate office space replacement in favour of residential
Metric height unchanged but storeys increased from 32s to 35s
Units: 249 to 357

Of note, for @HousingNowTO due to waiving office space replacement this would now contain 8 affordable housing units


Elevators: 3 to 347 units or ~116 units per elevator
