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A case management conference is scheduled for September 12, 2023.This project is listed as OLT Case # OLT-23-000393, but no hearing dates have been scheduled yet.
A case management conference is scheduled for September 12, 2023.This project is listed as OLT Case # OLT-23-000393, but no hearing dates have been scheduled yet.
The details from the Settlement Hearing are available here. Per the Draft Zoning By-Law Amendment, it appears that a portions of the site will be conveyed to the City (for road widening, and natural hazards). The proposed layout in the screen shot below appears a little different from the previous renderings, which showed an access off Shepard Avenue, whereas it now appears that access will be along the southern portion of the property. The building heights contemplated in the Draft Zoning By-Law Amendment appear very similar to the original proposal (max height appears to be 104.0 m).The OLT Merit Hearing that was scheduled for August 12, 2024 has been adjourned, and a Settlement Hearing is now scheduled for August 19, 2024. I haven't seen any details on the revised development proposal.