First, let me preface this by acknowledging my lack of intelligence when it comes to design. I'm just a grunt that enjoys browsing the site. That said - not a fan of this building. Depressing washed out colors and reminds me of a future slum from a sci-fi movie ... and of course, I do not mean that in a good way. Pictures of that block look absolutely depressing.
First, let me preface this by acknowledging my lack of intelligence when it comes to design. I'm just a grunt that enjoys browsing the site. That said - not a fan of this building. Depressing washed out colors and reminds me of a future slum from a sci-fi movie ... and of course, I do not mean that in a good way. Pictures of that block look absolutely depressing.
Well, most UTers seem to quite like this building's architecture (I certainly do) and it appears to be well maintained too.
It's a unique design and I understand how it could be polarizing, but it's one of my absolute favourite buildings in the city with some very progressive features. A triumph, especially considering its purpose as affordable co-op housing. But in the end, what really matters is that it's a great place to live. Just ask this guy.

Alex Bozikovic (the Globe's architecture critic) wrote a good article about it on Spacing right here:

That said, this whole area can get pretty dusty and desperately needs some large, healthy trees. Same goes for most downtown streets.
