These guys have recently been very busy hauling the dirt out since the crane has been installed. Stewart street, however, has been taking a beating as these sated dumpsters exit.

Pic taken Oct 11, 2012

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Though to me, the Six50 case was a rare example of built form trumping model as someone, somewhere along the line made an executive decision to replace much of the precast with charcoal brick. Nowhere to go but up, methinks.
I believe Freed only has permission to build the below-grade parking at this point.

I'm a little surprised about this - why would they only have permits to build the below-grade parking and not the above ground portion after all this time? Is it because Freed is hoping to obtain approval for a higher structure?
This excavation site is really taking shape and getting cleaner by the day. Where were you positioned to take the shot above? I don't recall there being pedestrian access on the east side of the site (but I could be wrong)?
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There is a back lane servicing the existing condos and businesses fronting King St.
