No wonder the deal with Mondrian fell through; they're naming the building next door after their competitor (which also happens to be next door).
No, the deal with Mondrian fell through and this was the fall back position.
BTW, there will be no tunnel or bridge as this condo will have its own amneities.
The Thompson name is a bit odd. I wonder what the "deal" is?

I suspect that Freed had to pay for this association. What is irritating is that at Adam Vaughan's community meeting less than two weeks ago, Freed was indicating to very angry residents that it was just going to be a condo and never once indicated the Thompson branding, even though some residents indicated their disappointment that the Mondrian folks had walked. This could of been a consolation prize.

So, are we to believe that in a fortnight, that a deal was made with Thompson, and the marketing folks began hard at work on the branding. Freed better start being honest with the local residents or he won't build anything around here anymore without lots of hassle.

Walked by the site this morning on my way to Sbux and the sales centre prefab is now fully up as I predicted!.

I will take a pic today, if someone has not already beat me to it.

Question: How do you think they are going to take advantage of this association ie. what perks? There has to be something in it for the residents! Free happy hour at the bar in the hotel?
I bet that they will offer the same services as those for 550 Wellington, albeit a little more inconvenient to go outside and get to them Did you see a building model or plans at the meeting?
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when you look at the website, all the windows go from clear to mirrored..... in my little fantasy bubble this means that the units will have those fancy glass windows, that when you press a button they go opaque (they are awesome) wouldn't that be awesome? I'm sure its to expensive to do for the whole building, but then why else have your website make it look like the windows go opaque? hehe, crosses fingers for "smart glass" windows!
when you look at the website, all the windows go from clear to mirrored..... in my little fantasy bubble this means that the units will have those fancy glass windows, that when you press a button they go opaque (they are awesome) wouldn't that be awesome? I'm sure its to expensive to do for the whole building, but then why else have your website make it look like the windows go opaque? hehe, crosses fingers for "smart glass" windows!

Maybe if he was selling it at $1000/sq.ft instead of the $700/sq.ft.

Now, let's try the video link for this updated forum is the site as of this afternoon.[video=youtube;kw63s5lDX-E][/video]

Mr. S Bus
I don't think there is any way they could just suddenly offer up all the amenities at 550 Wellington to hundreds of other people. If that turns out to be the case ( which I doubt), I would be extremely mad if I was someone at 550 Wellington...suddenly there are hundreds more people with key access to your building, you have to wait longer to get on the treadmill and you have to share your entertainment facilities with even more people.

Surely if this is the case, residents would have to approve it right?

Maybe the deal is just to give Thompson a sign out on King and promote it all as one larger complex, even though there would be separate amenities.
Service alley

The 2 new buildings will be serviced by the alley between Stewart St. and King St.

Garbage pick up and loading area for those who will be moving large items in and out of the building will be two more uses for an already burdened one lane alley.

The service poles do not help matters either. :mad:



I don't think there is any way they could just suddenly offer up all the amenities at 550 Wellington to hundreds of other people. If that turns out to be the case ( which I doubt), I would be extremely mad if I was someone at 550 Wellington...suddenly there are hundreds more people with key access to your building, you have to wait longer to get on the treadmill and you have to share your entertainment facilities with even more people.

Surely if this is the case, residents would have to approve it right?

Maybe the deal is just to give Thompson a sign out on King and promote it all as one larger complex, even though there would be separate amenities.

It depends on how the agreement is written. 550 condo residents have access to such things as room service, laundry etc provided by Thompson. I think that if Thompson wanted to extend that to others that it certainly would be in their rights. We'll see what the offer is but I suspect that it is more than simply offering their name.
Can someone please answer me these questions....
if there is a building which is a hotel at 550 wellington called Thompson hotel , then why are they are looking to name the new building at 621 king street the thompson?
Also, 621 king st was (thompson) was supposed to be a combo of condos/hotels but to my understanding, the hote; aspect has been scrapped and its going to be all condos, right?
Will 621 king st (thompson) not have facilities of its own? or will it be using the hotels facilities?
I recieved some info that sales/their opening is in 2 weeks. does anyone know what the starting price is for this project?

just1time, read the thread before posting.

That laneway really is brutal. The north side is a row of restaurants! I wonder if they can somehow open a lane that exits onto Stewart to reduce the load?
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^Oh please. This is a tiny strip of alley, compared to the stuff you see in K-Market or even westend of Vancouver, this is empty! Freed is doing it right here, having entrance to all condos via back alley, not a suburban-style driveway like at CP, Pinnacle etc.
That's true, but this is way higher density relying on the single alley. They'll probably still build a big truck garage facing Stewart anyway, like the one on 75 Portland (huge garage door exiting directly onto the street) because of those utility poles. I guess a door is better than a driveway :I
The poles should be relocated to the side which still has above grade services.

The "allies" in Vancouver are generally wider than Stewart Street itself. Some have even mentioned running streetcar down them. The West End blocks are also quite short compared to Torontos. I doubt there are too many alleys servicing more than 200 units which is a lot less than this one proposal. (nevermind 66,32,20)

Apples and Oranges
