I guess they've redesigned the building in an attempt to create a better visual transition between the two-story former Brad J. Lamb office and neighbouring low-rise restaurants, and this 12 story building. In particular, it appears they've moved the location of the pass-through walkway connecting King and Stewart (unless there are now two walkways) to the east end right beside the low-rise buildings on King, as depicted in a rendering shared in Freed's latest e-newsletter:





I'm confused as to how we can see the rear/south building from the angle of this rendering. That's where 32 Stewart is (?)
They have not redesegined anything, what you see on the first picture is not the walk way, it is the parking entrance. and the second picture is the building facing Stewart St. what you see on the left of the second picture are the old houses on Stewart. The walk way is still in the same place.
Oops. That's right. I expected a Stewart rendering to show the large, green, moss-covered (whatever) supports.

My understanding - the shoring and excavation for the Thompson Residences is being done on the basis of an application by the developer for the pre-existing as of right development, without taking into account the application for the additional height. Similar to what is happening to the south with the Concord Adex shoring and excavation for the Quartz and Spectra site - even though they have not got approval for their application for their additional height/density request yet either.
Similar to what is happening to the south with the Concord Adex shoring and excavation for the Quartz and Spectra site - even though they have not got approval for their application for their additional height/density request yet either.

Wow, I wasnt aware that..Spectra and Quartz have asked for additional height.
There is already an ad on site for a liquor application, I guess for the rooftop. is it not too early for this?
Oops. That's right. I expected a Stewart rendering to show the large, green, moss-covered (whatever) supports.


Funny side note, those mossy support structures were/are being designed separately by the folks at Toronto's own gh3. I'm unsure as to whether they made it into the design's final iteration though.
There is already an ad on site for a liquor application, I guess for the rooftop. is it not too early for this?

I noticed application too about a month ago.
Probably not for the completed building (way too early). I am guessing the developer will set up a tent on site for marketing events during construction, given its prime location.
No, it is actually for a few areas in the completed building. I think he was looking something like +1200 capacity.
No one is impressed.
On today agenda
Liquor Licence Application - 621 King Street West - Licence No. 10925
Committee Recommendations Caution: This is a preliminary decision. This decision should not be considered final until the meeting is complete and the City Clerk has confirmed the decisions for this meeting. The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:

1. City Council direct the City Clerk to advise the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) that the liquor licence application for 621 King Street West (“Premises”) is not in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents, and that the Registrar should issue a Proposal to Review the liquor licence application.

2. City Council request the AGCO to provide the City with an opportunity to participate in any proceedings with respect to the Premises.

3. The City Solicitor be authorized to attend all proceedings before the Licence Appeal Tribunal in this matter and be directed to take all necessary actions so as to give effect to this Motion, including adding and deleting conditions to any liquor licence issued for the Premises, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, which address issues including, but not limited to, noise, safety, security personnel, security cameras, crowd control, signage, lighting and litter.

Origin (October 31, 2011) Letter from Councillor Adam Vaughan, Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina
Summary 2297223 Ontario Limited has submitted an application for a new liquor licence to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) for proposed premises at 621 King Street West (the “Premises”). The applicant is seeking a liquor licence for several portions of a proposed mixed-use building that includes a capacity of 163 patrons for the mezzanine floor, 360 patrons for the lower level, 228 patrons for the main level, 360 for the 2nd level, 118 patrons for the indoor portion of the rooftop, and 126 patrons for the outdoor portion of the rooftop, for a total licence capacity of 1355.

The Premises have not been constructed yet, nor has the owner of the land received planning approvals to construct the proposed mixed-use building that will house the Premises. No above grade building permits have been issued for the property.

On February 16, 2011, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approved variances to the zoning by-law to permit the construction of a mixed-use building that contained a 12-storey tower on King Street West and an 11-storey tower on Stewart Street. The City successfully sought leave to appeal the decision of the OMB to the Divisional Court, and the matter was heard on October 27, 2011. No decision has been issued by the Court. On July 21, 2011, 621 King Developments Ltd. submitted to the City an application to amend the City’s zoning by-law to permit a mixed-use building with a 15-storey tower on King Street West and an 11-storey tower on Stewart Street. Council has not made a decision on this application.

Until such time that approvals have been obtained for the proposed mixed-use building that will house the Premises, building permits have been issued, and there is certainty as to what the configuration of the mixed-use building will be, an application for a liquor licence for the Premises is premature. If approvals for the mixed-use building are obtained, the application for a liquor licence at the Premises is not in the public interest unless certain conditions, addressing the concerns of the community, are attached to the licence. The Premises is proposed to be located in a building containing primarily residential units and will abut other residential properties. Therefore, impacts associated with proposed Premises may negatively affect current and future residents in the area. Under no circumstance should a liquor sales licence be granted at the Premises without appropriate conditions attached.

Background Information (October 31, 2011) Letter from Councillor Adam Vaughan - Liquor Licence Application, 621 King Street West - Licence No. 10925
how are they requesting more floors? I thought the OMB decision was appealed in May by the city because it was already too high at 12-stories?
