I think he meant if you had any insight, as a tenant of the building, in to any improvements planned. Not much has been released about this project.

They said they will be replacing the balconies so they match the new building. We were informed that the contractor will replace all the carpet in the existing building due to the construction in and out, the carpet is really old anyways. We were given new storage lockers that are actual cages instead of being made out of cheap wood and small basic wooden spindles.

Thats all that i have been made aware of so far.

Im still surprised that the City of Toronto allows construction like this to occur for this extended period of time while people are litterally living on the other side of the walls they are destroying. Concrete drilling, jack hamering and complete demolition of these units is extremely loud. Louder then my tv or music can go at max volume. :(
I think he meant if you had any insight, as a tenant of the building, in to any improvements planned. Not much has been released about this project.

Yes, that is what I meant. I was thinking about things like suite upgrades, balcony restoration, new windows, central air, elevator/lobby upgrades - things like that. I looked at a 2-bedroom in there years ago which are a decent size, but no A/C & no dishwasher were deal-breakers.
Are tenants entitled to a rent abatement for having to put up with this disruption caused by the construction?
Are tenants entitled to a rent abatement for having to put up with this disruption caused by the construction?

Only through the usual process of asking for a hearing with the Tenant Tribunal and hoping they feel we do. Its a long and slow process that requires us as Residents to do all the work ourselves, and attend the meetings/hearings during working hours. Ive also been told that the max that has ever been awarded is roughly 10% which is peanuts compared to the disruption. They also hit us with the max rental increase of 3.1% this year during the construction and also increased the fee on the parking spaces for the first time.

I dont think we are entitled to an abatement, we have to wait and see if the Tribunal feels we should have one applied.

To date, Mohican and Park Property havent given the Tenants anything to offset the disruption to our daily lives. Were stuck paying the same rent. Sorry if i sound frustrated :(
Only through the usual process of asking for a hearing with the Tenant Tribunal and hoping they feel we do. Its a long and slow process that requires us as Residents to do all the work ourselves, and attend the meetings/hearings during working hours. Ive also been told that the max that has ever been awarded is roughly 10% which is peanuts compared to the disruption. They also hit us with the max rental increase of 3.1% this year during the construction and also increased the fee on the parking spaces for the first time.

I dont think we are entitled to an abatement, we have to wait and see if the Tribunal feels we should have one applied.

To date, Mohican and Park Property havent given the Tenants anything to offset the disruption to our daily lives. Were stuck paying the same rent. Sorry if i sound frustrated :(

Wow, I feel your frustration. I can't imagine living in this building during construction.
Every time I walk by I've wondered if the building was still occupied because it's hard to tell from the outside whether it is or not. But it's astounding that the tenants will have to live through this.
Only through the usual process of asking for a hearing with the Tenant Tribunal and hoping they feel we do. Its a long and slow process that requires us as Residents to do all the work ourselves, and attend the meetings/hearings during working hours. Ive also been told that the max that has ever been awarded is roughly 10% which is peanuts compared to the disruption. They also hit us with the max rental increase of 3.1% this year during the construction and also increased the fee on the parking spaces for the first time.

I dont think we are entitled to an abatement, we have to wait and see if the Tribunal feels we should have one applied.

To date, Mohican and Park Property havent given the Tenants anything to offset the disruption to our daily lives. Were stuck paying the same rent. Sorry if i sound frustrated :(

I'm the Chair & Communication Liaison of the Tenant's Association in my building, we take the landlord to the Board all the time, well four times since I've been on the Association here. It's not as big a deal as you might think. If you don't have a Tenant's Association get a couple of like-minded residents together, write a letter to have an "all residents meeting", get copies printed for $10-$15 and slip one in everyone's door. Book a large room at the 519 Community Centre (a five minute walk away) under 66 Isabella Tenants so that it's free and have a meeting to discuss how much you want to want to be reimbursed and collect money, say, $5 and have everyone who wishes to participate sign a sheet to be represented at the Board. Then your filing fee is covered along with printing and such. If you want to hire a paralegal (you don't really need one, but he could get you a larger amount for your trouble) I can recommend one but you'd have to ask for more money from interested residents to cover his costs. Only one person needs to go to the Board to mediate a settlement (with the list of residents you are representing) and then it's done. It just takes a bit of organization and one morning at the Board. You are 100% allowed to do all of this and the landlord cannot interfere (they wouldn't dare) plus there can be no repercussions to any of the organizers or participants in the action, and if there was you'd be on easy street for a few years - but there won't be. You are all being taken advantage of, what is happening at your building is NOT normal and you should all be compensated handsomely for the disruptions and also seek a rent reduction for the loss of your green space. That will begin a conversation about how your getting better amenities in exchange for the lost green space once the project is complete and then you can negotiate in writing that you will not be hit with an AGI (Above Guideline Increase) for those extra amenities and have full, unlimited use of same. PM me if you have any questions or need some advice, I'd be happy to answer any questions and/or direct you to sources of information and resources.
Sorry for the quasi-O/T post folks.
Great post. Not off topic at all. Renters need to know their rights.


I can't belieeve that they had the nerve to raise your rent 3.1% and increase parking during construction! .

I used to live in the building - moved out about 10 years ago but my apartment was on the side where the construction is.

I thought it was horrible that they were tearing up the green space to put in this tower. I still think its a god awful proposal that really negatively impacts the community - not only the loss of green space (and even if it was private - tenants used it) and when I no longer lived there, I still enjoyed walking by with its big trees - we have so little green space downtown Toronto - and the annual summer yard sales were a hoot and turned into this major informal community get together. That will be gone I suppose.

Anyways I here your frustation and I thinks it terrible that this was allowed to happen.
I'm the Chair & Communication Liaison of the Tenant's Association in my building, we take the landlord to the Board all the time, well four times since I've been on the Association here. It's not as big a deal as you might think. If you don't have a Tenant's Association get a couple of like-minded residents together, write a letter to have an "all residents meeting", get copies printed for $10-$15 and slip one in everyone's door. Book a large room at the 519 Community Centre (a five minute walk away) under 66 Isabella Tenants so that it's free and have a meeting to discuss how much you want to want to be reimbursed and collect money, say, $5 and have everyone who wishes to participate sign a sheet to be represented at the Board. Then your filing fee is covered along with printing and such. If you want to hire a paralegal (you don't really need one, but he could get you a larger amount for your trouble) I can recommend one but you'd have to ask for more money from interested residents to cover his costs. Only one person needs to go to the Board to mediate a settlement (with the list of residents you are representing) and then it's done. It just takes a bit of organization and one morning at the Board. You are 100% allowed to do all of this and the landlord cannot interfere (they wouldn't dare) plus there can be no repercussions to any of the organizers or participants in the action, and if there was you'd be on easy street for a few years - but there won't be. You are all being taken advantage of, what is happening at your building is NOT normal and you should all be compensated handsomely for the disruptions and also seek a rent reduction for the loss of your green space. That will begin a conversation about how your getting better amenities in exchange for the lost green space once the project is complete and then you can negotiate in writing that you will not be hit with an AGI (Above Guideline Increase) for those extra amenities and have full, unlimited use of same. PM me if you have any questions or need some advice, I'd be happy to answer any questions and/or direct you to sources of information and resources.
Sorry for the quasi-O/T post folks.

Great advice - as a former tenant of 66 Isabella, I truly hope that the current residents seek to enforce their legal rights and get just compensation.
I wonder if these newly renovated units will be occupied when the new tower is being constructed immediately adjacent. But who would sign those leases, knowing beforehand? Would have to be super cheap I imagine.
