Today's a busy day with very tall skyscrapers perhaps supertalls on the Chelsea Green development wow!
Remember the days people said they've gotten their act together with their "signature" project Canada House?

Concord is genuinely a POS developer so i'm not surprised they want to pay homage to the site by proposing a building that looks like it has herpes all over.
Brass Rail is more of a service to this area than this grey aluminum backed junk bunk will be. That alone should be enough for The City to kill this proposal, IMO. /sigh
Toronto Model 05-07-23 699 Yonge.png
Toronto Model 05-07-23 699 Yonge2.png
Can't we just kick Concord out of Toronto? They built OK stuff back in their hometown of Vancouver then came here and crapped all over our skyline. If this goes ahead as planned it will ruin all of the shots of One Bloor and the One.
Concord is a horrible builder. They use the cheapest and ugliest materials. All their units are littered with bulk heads with layouts that are not livable. Concord builds for profit not for livability. We already gave this company prime real estate with CityPlace why is the city now letting them build on Canada's most famous street? I lived in a Concord building when it was brand new in the first block of move-ins - it only took 5 years from that date for the building to already look dirty, old and in disrepair.
