
Senior Member
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Feb 1, 2021
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Taken from DevApp:

"Site plan approval application to maintain existing 615 m2 heritage building and construct a new northern addition of approximately 135 m2 - proposed use is a restaurant greater than 30 seats - CONVENIENCE ADDRESS IS 68 EAST LIBERTY ST."

DevApp Link:

Elevation drawings were taken from the architectural plan via Site Plan Approval:

PLN - Architectural Plans - OCT 6  2022 (1)-11.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - OCT 6  2022 (1)-12.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - OCT 6  2022 (1)-13.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - OCT 6  2022 (1)-14.jpg
Holy smokes! This thing has been vacant - with the caveat that a restaurant would take it at some point - for yeaaaaaaaaaars. Great news.

A great addition to the neighbourhood given how Liberty Village needs a bit of uplifting energy...but we shall see. had a quick look through the Docs.

First things first, not a restaurant.

A public Art Gallery is proposed.

Second, some of the lighting plan:



Ground Floor layout:


Second Floor:


Third floor to be gallery offices.
Btw why doesn’t LV have a library/community centre?
Because this city did an abject piss pour job and failed at planning this mess of a neighborhood from the start, and had 0 foresight to create one. They are "studying" how to improve services in the area, but any potential community would be decades away.

Metrolinx could include a provision for one a part of their TOC developments, but it's Metrolinx so we know that thought hasnt even crossed their minds and they will flip the site for max profits and provide 0 benefits even though they have the power to create some provisions before flipping the land.
