The site is a short walk from a subway station and situated at the heart of the city. The size of the street is irrelevant. Everything the people who live there could possibly need is within a five block walk, so there likely won't be a traffic problem except for on rez moving days which U of T certainly isn't new to. And personally I would like Toronto to be Manhattan-esque, why wouldn't you?
Why would you put balconies on a student residence?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see the student residence will be the lower floors without balconies.

That brings up another question... How crazy do you have to be to propose condos in the same building as a student residence??
Why would you put balconies on a student residence?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see the student residence will be the lower floors without balconies.

That brings up another question... How crazy do you have to be to propose condos in the same building as a student residence??

According the city's report: "Balconies are also proposed for the apartments and student dormitories on the west and south sides of the building."
According the city's report: "Balconies are also proposed for the apartments and student dormitories on the west and south sides of the building."

Off topic, but I remember the one glorious year I lived in Saugeen-Maitland Hall at Western with 1200 or so other mostly first-year students. The common area balconies were closed because the year before, some drunk future leaders decided to throw all the furniture from the highest floor common area off the balcony.

Maybe this won't happen if the students have their own balconies (it would likely be a lot easier to tell who's room the stuff came from).
Community Consultation meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 7-9 pm. Location I believe is St. Basils Church basement.
AlbertC, I guess I was sitting right behind you at the meeting! Thanks for taking the photos they are excellent. That shadowing study tool was interesting, though I am always amazed how concerned people are about THE SUN. The stone and fritted glass cladding looks very fine.
I like it. Kind of like a refined Block 32. My big question: Is the white part of the cladding going to be something like stone or precast? Or is it dreaded spandrel..
The older siteplan was better. The mid-rise podium was traded for a dinky small one just so the developer could trade density to make a tower here. Lame.
The lower podium fits better with the lower-rise scale of the neigubourhood. In the previous proposal the footprint of the tower was about 7,100sqft vs 6,200spft now. In exchange they get height with much less bulk.
The cladding was described as stone elements and fritted glass.
No doubt 77 Charles is the very big winner here.
The older siteplan was better. The mid-rise podium was traded for a dinky small one just so the developer could trade density to make a tower here. Lame.

The Sisters have yet to partner with a developer so no, that isn't what happened.

As buildup relates, the building will be clad in stone at the base with glass and stone sandwich panels moving up the tower; balconies (which adorn the south and west faces of the building) will feature fritted or sandblasted glass.
