This building is starting to look pretty prominent on the right-hand side of the skyline as you drive down the 403. (I don't have pics of the view)
This building is starting to look pretty prominent on the right-hand side of the skyline as you drive down the 403. (I don't have pics of the view)
Similar, as I drove down Main Street near Silly Hall, great to see that rising to the right of the old IBM building, need to get that shot.
Let's face it, even liuna pales compared to core urban. William Thomas only looked good because the existing stonework was already there.
At least with LiUNA you know the guys are paid a union/tradesman living wage while constructing the building.

Vranich allegedly starts construction without the proper permits and his builds go up so fast and then look unfinished, who knows who he employs at what wages.
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At least with LiUNA you know the guys are paid a union/tradesman living wage while constructing the building.

Vranich allegedly starts construction without the proper permits and his builds go up so fast and then look unfinished, who knows who he employs at what wages.
Vranich is a stain on this city.
Yes, not loving the brick colours, but at least they used brick.

Vrancor IMHO has done one nice tower on George (thankful that the podium is hidden by his next tower and that a grocer went in.. Don't think they have achieved any tenants in any other build).
